subject: Learn To Access The Credit Report By Online Methods [print this page] The money lenders or the credit card companies use all these information to check whether a person is dependable or not and then take the decision of giving the loan. Now, a person can also manage his profile online and check the different loans that he has taken and the amount he has repaid. The credit report contains four types of information in it. They are namely personal details, inquiry, credit info and public records. The personal info(s) that are there in the file includes name, address, contact number, date of birth, place of employment, spouse name etc.
When a person applies for loan or credit card, an inquiry is done. This is done to verify the fact that all the information given by the client is correct or not. If it is seen that all the information furnished by the person is correct, and then the lenders with the help of a method called credit score, determines the worthiness of the client to get credit. The score does not state directly, whether the person is credible or not, but the score helps to determine that fact.
The credit info section contains the past records of the loans the person has taken. It includes the number of loans, dates of paying the bills, defaults if any and other things. If it is found that a person has got lot of outstanding bills to be paid and has also defaulted on a number of those, then it would become quite tough for the person to get loans. The file also contains other state or federal information that is related to credit, such as tax liens, bankruptcy etc. Now a person can check all these information with the help of credit file online methods.
Previously an individual could only view his credit report after a long and tedious procedure. Now anyone can check his report any time, after logging on to his account, thanks to the different online techniques. In this way, a person can check his file online and see his outstanding bill amounts, credit score and key changes and even to check if there has been any case of fraud. Many times, deceptive people use other peoples information to take credit. To see to the fact that this has not happened with you, you need to regularly check your credit report and check the changes that has occurred.
by: Suman
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