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subject: Self Storage - Accessible Space While Youre Moving Business Premises [print this page]

Self Storage - Accessible Space While Youre Moving Business Premises

Moving business premises can be a double edged sword. On the one hand there will be a sound business reason behind a move - whether it is down to improvingfacilities or cutting costs, or outgrowing your space to increasing staff numbers. On the other theres the disruption that moving physical location can bring - to yourpeople, your infrastructure, your service and ultimately your customers.

Moving premises is probably the biggest logistical challenge that any business faces. First off, you need to have a clear plan of action. That plan should identify abudget and schedule along with the all-important (but often overlooked) internal communications to your staff.

With the plan in place you can start looking at the practical measures youll need to take to make the move happen with minimal disruption. Things such as switchingutilities (e.g. water, energy and telecoms), removals services (for lugging all that hardware about) and storage facilities (for keeping the things you need safe butaccessible).

In the 21st century business world flexibility is key, which is why many businesses opt for a Self Storage unit for the storage element. Its a great way to ensure yourbusiness hardware and paperwork are both out of the way and there if you need them.

A Self Storage unit is effectively a self-contained room that you hold the key for. You can access a storage unit as frequently as you like with no extra cost. Thats ahuge advantage over more traditional Removals Services whose storage is often less accessible and often more expensive.

The big advantage of using a self storage unit is that you can begin the office move earlier and finish it in an orderly fashion. You are not governed by the timing of theremoval van, so you can pack and unpack at your own pace. If you need to move some paperwork or equipment into storage ahead of a move, thats all well andgood. Likewise if you want to unpack at a pace that can fit in around your business you can keep your unit for as long as you need.

Its also useful if you are downsizing, moving to a smaller office or if you have a seasonal business that needs to grow and contract. Many businesses decide to putbusiness hardware into store (desks, computers, and furniture) for when things pick up or the business grows. Its a truly convenient way to ensure maximum flexibility.

A word of caution though - beware minimum stay terms or early move-out fee. Some self storage companies insist on a minimum rental period - usually a week, butsometimes a month. That means that if your move is done and dusted quickly, you might still be stung for any term left to run on your rental. Look for providers thatpromise storage by the day, bargain with price promises and enjoy other helpful offers such as van hire, refreshments and Wi-Fi.

And if youre really lucky find one who put everything together in one neat package for business.

by: Martyn Wentworth

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