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subject: Peachtree City Dentist Makes Scheduling Online Appointments Easy [print this page]

PEACHTREE CITY, GA-DrPEACHTREE CITY, GA-Dr. Peter Harris, dentist from Peachtree City, is happy to be offering an easy to use appointment request form on his practice's website. By using this tool, patients are now able to schedule an appointment without having to even pick up the phone.

"I am glad that our practice is able to offer this service to our practice. We are always looking for ways to make the practice more patient-friendly and this is a great example of that. I hope that many of our patients will use this service in the future," said Dr. Harris, Fayetteville dentist.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Harris for Invisalign in Fayetteville or another dental service, patients can either call (770) 486-1984 or use the online appointment request form. To do this, patients simply have to enter in the date, time and a few words detailing the nature of their appointment into the online form. Shortly after this, the practice's scheduling coordinator will follow up with a confirmation of the appointment.

Since Dr. Harris' site is available at all times, patients are able to request an appointment whenever it is convenient for them instead of having to call the practice during regular business hours. This is especially convenient for patients that work or go to school during the day.

Patients that are looking to learn more about dentistry will enjoy looking through the patient education page. The library on this page is full of information that is designed to provide patients the knowledge necessary to allow them to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

To learn more about Dr. Harris, his staff or any of the services provided at his practice, patients are encouraged to visit his comprehensive dental website that can be found at http://www.avelladental[dot]com.

About Dr. Peter Harris: Dr. Peter Harris, Peachtree City dentist, has been practicing dentistry for 17 years since graduating from the Medical College of Georgia. He lives in Fayette County with his wife and two daughters. Dr. Harris regularly attends continuing education programs and stays up to date on the latest dental technologies. This Fayetteville dentist offers services for dental implants, veneers, crowns, bridges, fillings and more. Dr. Harris is a member of the American Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry.

Media Contact:

Avella Family Dentistry


1280 Highway 74 S, Suite 200

Peachtree City, GA 30269

(770) 486-1984


by: Gen Wright

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