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Types Of Car Insurance Coverages


You have bought the car you always dreamt of, and the next thing you look for is a car insurance policy. Driving on the hectic Indian roads without an insurance policy is something you cant even think about. There may always be unforeseen situations, such as accidents, thefts, and natural calamities that come uninvited. You will then have to deal with the physical, mental and financial trauma of the situation.

You will have to pay for your own medical expenses and that of others who were injured because of you, from your own pocket. You may also have to pay for getting your car back in shape or buy a new car, and for damages caused to the car of your victim. So, a car insurance coverage policy is what you need to save yourself from such financial liabilities, which are normally very high. Also, motor insurance is mandatory by law in India.

Types Of Car Insurance Coverages

What You Must Know

In India, there are a number of insurers providing car insurance coverages. You must compare the rates and coverages provided by these insurers before you settle on any one. You can go online and do this from the facility of your home. Insurance policy aggregator sites let you purchase online car insurance easily as they provide you details of various companies at one go.

Also, you must know what are the coverages, what are not and on what factors car insurance premium will depend on. Here are some of the key ones:

1.Car insurance coverages normally dont include:

Depreciation of components

Breakdown of the vehicle

Drunken driving

War and nuclear disasters

Vehicle when used outside India

2.Car insurance premiums will depend mainly on:

Make and price of the car

How new or old the car is

Where the car is registered

Age and driving experience of the owner

Types of Car Insurance Coverages

In India, there are mainly three types of car insurance plans available that can help you in dire situations. These plans are:

Third party only plan

Anyone except you and the insurance company is a third party. This kind of plan provides insurance cover for liabilities when your car hits another person.

The accident could have caused:

oInjury or death of the person

oDamage to the car of the person

oCover for you, if you were in the drivers seat

Third party, theft and fire plan

This kind of plan provides insurance cover for:

oThird party liabilities, as described above

oLoss and damages caused due to theft and fire

Comprehensive insurance plan

Besides third party liabilities, this kind of plan provides insurance cover for:

oThird party liabilities to people and car, as described above

oDamage to your car or accessories owing to fire, theft, other disasters

oTowing expenses after a disaster

oLoss of your car and components due to fire, theft etc

You must have an insurance cover so that you can at least pay for the damages you may cause to other people or their car. Also, you must know that in case of hit and run cases, you can claim compensation only from the government.

by: easypolicy

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