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subject: How To Choose The Correct Shade Of Makeup [print this page]

You have to be so perfect with your makeup technique that it reflects your creativity and imagination. If you learn to apply face makeup properly then you will not drown yourself in makeup and end up looking like a clown. It is an accomplished fact that cosmetics are the girls best friend and if applied skillfully then it can transform your face from dull and dreary to one of alive, striking and bright.

Foundation should be kept as minimal as possible. Using tinted moisturizer is one of this season's hottest tips. Dot it along your cheeks, your forehead, on your chin and down your nose and blend outward from your nose for a flawless finish. Of course, pick a brand that gives you SPF 15 for extra protection against summer's high UVA/UVB rays. Mineral makeup is also a great choice for summer 2009 makeup.

The next thing you need to consider is the one rule of makeup that will always guide you: Light colors bring out, make larger and highlight. Dark colors recede, minimize or contour. So with this in mind you could work with dark eyeliner and light eye shadow colors to emphasize your dark chocolate eyes with black liner, mascara, a smudge of pale pink eye shadow, and finish with lightly flushed cheeks and make your lips your signature.

The next step is your concealer. Many people make the mistake of applying the concealer before the foundation. This is less effective as it tends to rub off when the foundation is being blended. Use the concealer to cover any particularly inflamed areas that are still red. Daub over the area and pat lightly to blend (do not rub). Remember to cover lightly any shadows under the eyes. When you work with brown, err on the safe side by sticking to warm browns like peaches and taupes. These colors look refreshing and are universally flattering.

In the spring, our skin tones are typically still pale after little sun exposure during winter. Make sure you're using a foundation color that is appropriate for your skin tone with hints of warmer colors. Recently, trends conform with the classic spring style of rosy cheeks and pink or glossy lips, which can help give your face a healthy glow after the long, cold season.

Dry skin will soak up your foundation fast and ruin the effects of applying makeup. Make sure to use an oil free variety. Moisturizing will provide your foundation with a base. Make sure to wait until the moisturizer is soaked into your skin before moving on to applying foundation. If you are not allergic to scent, consider a moisturizer with a nice, feminine smell.

Similar to lip balm on a harsh winter day, the right foundation can act as a protective coating to help save your skin from the tough elements you face in your daily life. Sun, wind, cold weather, and other environmental components can damage your skin, but a good foundation can easily aid in preventing such damage.

If you are searching for a new shade of foundation, understand that the color you see inside the bottle or tube of foundation is not always the color you will see on your face. This is why you should test foundations and blend them into your skin so you can see how they actually look.

by: Beauty and Health care

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