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subject: Funky Earrings Like Rihanna [print this page]

Most women tend to stay within their comfort zone when it comes to fashion and accessories. For example, I end up buying many different pieces of clothes in a similar shade or I'll buy different shades of clothes in similar styles. So if you already know what looks good for you, it's hard to step outside of the box and try something new, but if you never take a risk, you may be missing out on how fabulous you can look.

One celebrity Rihanna isn't shy about taking risks in apparel or in accessorizing. She is known both for her vocal skills and for her funky style. Shouldn't we all be just a little bit more like Rihanna? You could find lots of pictures about Rihanna on Google, maybe a picture could be noticed by you that she is sporting some very interesting earrings. They are highlighted well by her short haircut. However, you can try a similar look as well. But if you are going to sport earrings that are this large and draw this much attention, be sure not to let things get too sloppy by adding a lot of necklaces or bracelets. If you wear a necklace at all, keep it very minimalistic. Offering too many things to look at will not help you achieve the look you want.

Another picture is also funning in which Rihanna is wearing huge earrings as a huge fan. There have even been a few times when she has gone way over the top. However, I do not think that this is one of those cases. Hoop earrings are not for everyone's style or even for everyone's face shape. Though they do give off a certain youthful essence and hip hop fun feel. I wouldn't necessarily wear earrings like these around the office, but they are fun to have. Luckily both of these styles are available in different color metals like sterling. Sterling silver jewelry really is your best bet when it comes to inexpensive durable jewelry. If you only get silver plated jewelry, the plating will eventually rub off and could even turn your skin green. Yuck! So step up your street style or just add some funky fun to your jewelry collection! Like I always say, it's all about having fun!

by: sweet

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