subject: Prefer To 'use It' With Life Training Or 'lose It' Without Life Training? [print this page] Out of nowhere, some oil drillers wanting to drill on his land approached him. How absurd. He looked out across his pastures. He saw nothing but trash, trouble and tumbleweeds. They saw an opportunity because as a result of Life Training. They believed that deep inside the earth beneath all of the surface turmoil was a treasure. He was not so sure. The only thing worse than an ugly piece of property was an ugly piece of property with a big hole in itsurrounded by a huge mud pit! Nohe was brokeand no hair-brained idea would change that.
They asked to drill on his land, again and again. None of the surrounding property owners would take a chance but they were sure that his land was valuable. He finally relented. Drilling beganbutnothing happened. Deeper and deeper they went with this strange new rotary drilling system.
Anthony Lucas, an Austrian-born mining engineer, had been supervising the drilling of the oil well since October 27, 1900. His crew needed to install a new drilling bit so the work was slowed.
It was now January 10, 1901. The drilling crew began lowering the new bit to the bottom of the hole. They ran about 700 feet of drill pipe into the 1,000-foot hole. Suddenly, out of nowhere the well starts spewing the drilling mud backs out.
So the crew evacuated the rig and waited to see what in the world was happening. And just as suddenly the flow of mud stopped. False alarm! All of the workers returned to the rig and started cleaning up the huge mess. And once again with no warning, the mud erupts again. And then a geyser of oil gushed upward 200 feet above the 60-foot-high oil derrick.
It was so strong that the spouting oil blew the entire drill pipe out of the hole. It began to flow over 80,000 barrels of oil per day. They named the well Spindle top. What is amazing that before Spindle top, a big producer flowed 50 barrels per day. The beginning of the modern petroleum industry was born.
Let me ask you a question. Did our subject go from abject poverty to being wealthy overnight? Absolutely not! He was rich all of the time! He was sitting on a fortune and he thought he was un-fortune-ate! Metaphorically while waiting for an orchid he was overlooking a rose. Just like in the famous speech Acres Of Diamonds his wealth lay in what he already had! I believe that is true for most of us! We can learn through Life Training.
Please allow me to use a Biblical example. When Moses saw a burning bush not being consumed, he approached it with great interest. God spoke to Moses out of the bush and called him to deliver Israel out of bondage. Moses, like most people, began to debate with and tell him how inadequate he was. He argued on and on about why he could not do this. He did not want to speak! Finally, God said, Moses whats that in thine hand?
To cut to the chase Moses had a rod in his hand. And it was the rod that turned into a serpent before the Pharaoh. It was with the rod that the Red Sea was opened. It was with the rod that the rock was smitten and water for the people came out.
All God expected was for Moses to use what was in his hand. And I believe that is all he expects out of each of us. Life Training will teach us to use what we have. The law of use is a powerful principle!
by: vivek c
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