subject: Discount Card Programs With Cash Back Savings Make For A Great Opportunity [print this page] There are numerous Internet business opportunities to choose from, but possibly the most consumer friendly ones are those that offer a discount card program to it's members.
These types of programs typically allow the member ways to both save and make money. You can make money enrolling new members and save on purchases of thousands of products.
Members normally pay a one time fee to get started. This fee can vary depending if the enrolling member just wants to be able to get products at a discount or if they would also like to enroll others and pursue the business side.
Members then pay a monthly fee that allows them to take advantage of the great worldwide discounts. The average monthly fee runs around $20.
What that discount gives them is availability to thousands of product discounts. It essentially is a clearinghouse of the many and varied discounts out there.
Often times the discounts can also be found in newspaper ads or direct mail pieces, but the discount clubs put them all together in one easy to find place.
This makes is very easy for the consumers to find what they are looking for quickly and without having to save all the other forms of discounts they've received.
It's not unusual for members to easily save $100 or more per month on products and services they're already buying. Everything from grocery store coupons to restaurant gift certificates to hotel savings to discounts at bowling alleys and more can found on the easy to navigate website.
What this does is easily negates the low monthly fee that may have you thinking twice about joining.
There may also be a cash back shopping benefit available if you choose the right company. This enables you to earn cash back every time you purchase something at one of the hundreds of online stores available throughout their system.
Perhaps it's clothing or electronics, or even a gift basket- you now have your own personalized link to your shopping mall. All of your purchases are tracked, part of the low fees go to pay for these administrative costs, and you are given credit on a card that can be used like a debit card!
Cash back shopping rewards are typically paid monthly one month in arrears. So for all purchases made in April for example, you would earn your rewards in June.
In addition to these saving programs there are ways to make excellent money signing up new members as well. The best companies utilize a one legged compensation plan enabling novices to make money quickly with the business.
by: Suzanne E Morrison
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