subject: Consider You Happen To Be Insured? Just Think (and Check...) For A Second Time! [print this page] Its easy to fall foul of the driving offence of driving a car without the requisite motor insurance however is not difficult to comprehend why you need to keep yourself from breaching it at all costs if possible. First and foremost, it is simple to commit simply because even though you may possess vehicle insurance cover you may well be in a position in which your insurance policy won't protect either the individual driving (including you) or the reason for which you are driving or maybe both issues might apply. Ok, I'll express this in some more depth.
As a domestic home owner it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that you indulge in a bit of maintenance around the home and you may well be first rate with it. Additionally, your nearest and dearest as well as those who are living closeby have seen for themselves that you like to undertake such jobs and are effective at it. They may accordingly on occasion request you to do a certain amount of work for them on a paid basis. Believe it or not, if your contract of insurance happens to be the kind which does not cover you for business use but the police stop you as you go home from the nearby hardware store and you agree that you are currently undertaking work for such a neighbour but your insurance policy won't extend above and beyond domestic, social, pleasure and commuting then you will probably be charged with driving without insurance.
Let us look at a different situation: you always understood and furthermore were informed in writing via your insurer that you are actually fully insured albeit that this confirmation was automated after you had sought cover on the internet yet then when you are actually in an accident and need to call upon the insurance cover you are told that the contract was terminated beforehand. You are actually therefore at that point in time without insurance either through a short-term car insurance contract or indeed a longer term one. You have committed a motoring offence. The real injustice in this situation is actually crystal clear to all of us you would think.
In the event, however, that you have not been actually driving a car for very long and so also happen to be a young motorist you would of course be considered as being in the specific category of driver that carries added risk factors. One way they get around this is to impose excessive insurance rates but additionally they in most cases are looking for more than merely your hard earned money to lessen the risk. Further paperwork they will certainly ask to see may be proof of your claims history and proof of vehicle ownership i.e. a letter confirming no claims bonus and your V5C vehicle confirmation certificate. Indeed, the typical chain of events would be that you buy the cover by going online, pay your initial first deposit, get confirmation that you are currently covered and then are sent notice that the cover is dependant upon you dispatching across the validating proof within a particular time. The problem here is that your no claims information is then completely within the power of your previous insurer (if any)
The insurance company administration may well be such that your most effective efforts to persuade them to comply with what looks to be a relatively quick request will be all in vain. And in the event that you do not manage in getting them to fulfil the particular request as demanded? Your brand-new insurance provider may well be enthusiastic to cancel your insurance cover. In any case, the insurance agent may possibly have looked at the pc verified quote and awakened to the fact that you ended up being way too high a risk and so they might want to get rid of you anyway. They will most likely tell you that your insurance was indeed stopped but that you were alerted by letter (even though you didnt receive it for some reason). All of this might seem far fetched but it has occurred several times in recent months notably to those younger and more inexperienced motorists and in such a case the broker is actually very rarely noted as being eager to chase up the no claims details themselves.
by: Stanford Guerra
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