subject: An Investment Loan Consumer Wants To Make Money [print this page] The word loan is easily recognizable and understandable by most consumers. However, most consumers do not know exactly what to expect from an investment loan. When considering the purchase of a home that is not your primary residence than you will be looking into securing an investment loan. Typically, an investment loan is borrowed money used to make money. The most popular use is investing in income producing property such as rental homes or apartments.
What It Is Not
An investment loan is not a business loan. There are differences between borrowing money to start or expand a business versus securing funds to invest in a money-making opportunity. The easy way to remember the difference between types of loans compared to an investment choice is the latter is used to create supplementary income. Other loans are typically used to purchase something or fund the costs for something. An investment loan is structured to create a return for the person, or entity, providing the funds. It is typically secured by individuals who are not looking to change careers or become full-time entrepreneurs, but are simply looking to make extra income from an investment opportunity.
What are Investment Loan Opportunities?
Opportunities abound to put the funds from an investment loan to good use. Choices are many from investing in a new invention or business or purchasing rental property, the most popular being a secondary home or land that will not be your primary residence. The goal is to make profit from the investment loan.
How is Profit made from an Investment Loan?
There are basically two methods for making money when using an investment loan to fund this activity. The first is purchase and resale of property for a profit. This typically includes purchasing property to make improvements necessary for an attractive resale where a profit is made. The second option for making profit from an investment loan is to become a landlord, renting property that you have purchased with an investment loan that provides enough cash flow to not only cover your monthly expenses, but provide some money to tuck away. If completed successfully, these investment loan practices can help transition between traditional employment to ownership-derived income. Many investors slowly build toward purchasing properties that provide a fulltime income
There Is Risk
Typically, investment loans are granted to individuals for opportunities that while presenting certain risks, also present certain rewards. Real estate investment has its ups and downs, but typically, people need a place to live and the retail rental needs continue to grow yearly. Therefore, renting property purchased or buying depressed properties to remodel and revitalize and resale for profit have been recognizable activities conducted successfully with an investment loan. Risk also is involved in other investment loan activities such as buying an interest in a business or invention. Careful investigation, examination and documentation will be necessary as proof that the investment loan you seek is a wise choice for your lender to consider and approve. A lender of an investment loan is also taking a risk on the risks you are taking using their funds.
by: David Nalin
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