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All About Motor Controller System

The purpose of a motor control system is to stop one or more of the actual motor output parameters, that is, shaft speed, angular location, acceleration, shaft torque, and mechanical output power. What is a motor controller? The control of heat range at various points in the motor is also a frequent objective of motor control systems. Since it is the mechanical parameters of the motor which were being controlled by the input electric powered parameters, the peculiar characteristic of the individual machine - that is, the characteristics that relate input electric powered quantities to output mechanical quantities - are vitally critical on the design and also analysis of electronic control.

The actual supplies and also structural features of power semiconductors utilized in motor control are much against those of electromechanical devices, which, as would be expected, result in differing operating and also environmental characteristics. It is vital to recognize those differences on the design and also use of electronic motor control in which the 2 various types of components are employed in a common environment and also are subjected to the actual same voltage and also current values.

It is therefore customary to treat the control of dc commentator motors separately from that of synchronous and also induction motors. The actual nature of the motor load and also energy supply will also influence the actual nature of the motor control. The load box represents a very general concept of load and may be a pure inertia load. The energy source box is also generalized and is meant to cover all power or excitation sources required by the motor, just like the actual field and armature power supply in a commentator motor.

The actual principal differences could possibly be summarized as follows: Motors have large thermal capacities and could sustain thermal overloads for time period measured in minutes. Semiconductors have a very short thermal time constants; lasting often less than 1 second, they also have poor natural thermal conduction paths and require heat sinks in additional applications. The actual current overload characteristics of the two types of devices are usually different, partly as a result of the actual thermal differences just noted.

Semiconductor devices have relatively little over current capability. Quite a few semiconductors are limited by the level or change of current, as will be explained for thyristors. There is no equivalent limitation in a motor. Thyristors are also limited by a rate of change of voltage when it comes to their characteristics, which is not a factor in motor function. Semiconductor circuits are very susceptible to electromagnetic interference, both conductive and inductive, whereas motors are in no way similarly affected.

by: NW

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