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subject: Concord Dentist Uses Social Media To Reach Out To Patients Online [print this page]

CONCORD, CA-DrCONCORD, CA-Dr. Reza Khazaie, dentist in Concord, CA, is excited to be using social media to communicate with his patients online. His practice is utilizing Facebook, Twitter and a blog to reach out to his patients.

"I am very happy that our practice is using these services. I know that many of our patients use Facebook and Twitter on a daily basis and I'm glad that our practice is now available on these services. I hope that all of our social media-savvy patients will 'like' us on Facebook and follow our page on Twitter," said Dr. Khazaie, cosmetic dentist in Concord.

Dr. Khazaie and his staff are using the Facebook page to post updates on the practice, as well as links to helpful dental content on the Internet. Any currently running specials will be mentioned on the Facebook page as well. Patients that 'like' the practice are able to post questions or comments on the page. Someone from the practice's staff will be able to post a response shortly afterword.

The practice's twitter page will be used in a similar way. Patients can find updates on the practice and links to blog posts that are posted by the practice. Patients can follow the practice at @RezaKhazaie.

To learn more about various dental topics, patients are encouraged to visit the practice's patient education page on the website. The patient education library is full of helpful information about a variety of dental topics. The library is designed to provide patients of Dr. Khazaie with enough information to effectively maintain the health of their teeth and gums.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Khazaie for dental implants in Concord or another dental service, patients can call (925) 680-4444.

To learn more about Dr. Khazaie, his staff or any of the services provided at his practice, patients are encouraged to visit his practice's comprehensive dental website that can be found at http://www.dsgconcord[dot]com.

About Dental Specialty Group: Dr. Reza Khazaie, Concord dentist, is a 1997 graduate of Azad University and completed the prosthodontics residency program at USC. This Concord cosmetic dentist is a member of several professional dental associations including the American Dental Association, California Dental Association, American College of Prosthodontists, Academy of Osseointegration, American Academy of Implant Dentistry and Contra Costa Dental Association. Dr. Khazaie participates in many hours of continuing education each year to ensure that he provides the most up to date and effective service to his patients in Concord.

Media Contact:

Dental Specialty Group


1255 Willow Pass Road

Concord, CA 94250

(925) 680-4444


by: Gen Wright

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