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subject: Do Debt Consolidation Agencies Mess Up Your Credit? [print this page]

Do Debt Consolidation Agencies Mess Up Your Credit?

Author: Hector Milla
Author: Hector Milla

People that are looking for services to get them out of debt are often worried about what will happen to their credit. They worry for good reason. If their credit has not been damaged by the debt they currently carry, then any solution that hurts their credit will hurt their future ability to borrow. Understanding what debt consolidation is and what affects it has on your credit is key to knowing if it is the right solution for you. Paula de la Torre Editor of the "Best Debt Consolidation Companies" website -- -- pointed out; When a service, be it through a bank, credit union, or other lender, consolidates your debt, they combine the high interest lines of credit and pay them off in a single low interest loan. This means that those higher interest loans are no longer able to damage your credit It also provides you with lower monthly payments, because they offer longer terms and lower interest rates. This allows you to actually save money every month. As you save money, you can pay off other debts, that may not have been covered by the consolidation. You can also pay against the loan amount, that will lessen the length of time that you are in debt, and reduce the total cost of the debt. By paying your debt off faster, your credit report will reflect that all of your credit debts, and loans are paid in full. This reflects positively on your credit. Even before your consolidation is paid off, you will see a lower debt ratio. Lower debt ratios allow you to get better rates and loan qualifications. This is because there is a lower percentage of your income being taken up by debt P. de la Torre added. Debt consolidation agencies are not the only way out of debt. They are the best for your credit though. When you use these tools to their fullest potential, you will find that you cannot only get out of debt, but that you can get out with your credit intact. You will need to speak to a professional to see if you qualify and if debt consolidation is right for you. Further information about trusted and reputable companies for debt consolidation by visiting; http://www.BestDebtConsolidationCompanies.netAbout the Author:

Hector Milla runs his corporate website at where you can see all his articles and press releases.

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