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General Physician Appointment Through Online In India

NamasteDoc Online Doctor Appointments
NamasteDoc Online Doctor Appointments is a move in this direction towards refining and redefining the process/experience of patients seeking to search and book appointment with the right doctor for them and for the doctors wanting to bring some method to their patient management allowing them some respite from their back breaking schedules. It is a free online and telephonic service that allows patients to find and book the right doctor appointment Online, instantly and 24x7

General physician Doctor:

General Physicians or Primary Care Physician is highly trained specialist who provides a range of non-surgical health care to adult patients. They care for difficult, serious or unusual medical health problems and continue to see the patient until these problems have resolved or stabilized. Medical doctors (MDs) or General Physician doctors diagnose and treat diseases, injuries, and other disorders. Primary care physician work to promote good health and prevent illness.

Pediatrician Specialist:

Primary Care Physicians who specialize in internal medicine are called internists. They diagnose and treat problems of the internal organs, such as the liver, heart, and lungs. General Physician doctor do not perform surgery. Internists manage and treat common health problems, such as infections, influenza and pneumonia, as well as more. A physician who specializes in providing health care for infants and children is called a pediatrician

Pediatrician provides health care for children from birth through adolescence. They chart the growth and development of children, provides immunization, and diagnoses and treat illnesses, injuries, and behavioral problems. Pediatricians may also refer children specialist.

Obstetrician or Gynecologist Doctors:

Obstetrician or gynecologists Specialist focus on women's health. Along with general medical care of women, Obstetrician or gynecologists care for women before, during, and after pregnancy. They monitor not only women's state of health, but also that of their developing fetuses. They deliver the babies and care for the mothers after they have given birth. Obstetrician or gynecologists Doctors also diagnose and treat diseases of the female reproductive, urinary, and rectal organs and breasts. They may prescribe medications, suggest exercise regimens, or perform surgery.

Appointment Online with General Physician:

Lot of General physician or Primary Care Physician Specialist, Obstetrician or gynecologists Doctor are available in Patients can book their appointment online with Doctors, General Physician Specialist and hospitals through online in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida and Faridabad at NamasteDoc

I Listed some of the General Physician Doctors and Hospital at NamasteDoc

Dr. Ila Samar at Gurgaon

Paras Hospital - Sector - 43, Gurgaon

Home Clinic - Sohna Road, Gurgaon


Pediatrician Dr. Yadav at Delhi

Home Clinic Dwarka , Delhi

by: Namastedoc

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