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subject: Moving To America Made Easier With Shipping To America [print this page]

Moving to America requires careful planning, moving is one of the most stressful times in anyones life however with a bit of careful foresight it can be an exciting time. It is not possible to simply move to America, you will need a visa and this is the hardest part of your task. There are various reasons you may be moving to America and more information can be found online if you need further information contact the US government directly. Perhaps you are being granted a visa due to employment or because you are marrying an America. It is possible to apply for permanent residence after working in the USA for a period from 3 5 years. After your visa has been applied for and you have official permission to move to the USA it is time to begin planning the finer details of the move.

If you own a house you will need to put it on the market and hopefully it will sell before the move or you might need to leave it in the hands of your local estate agents. Inform your landlord, if you rent however if you are not close to the end of your tenancy you may be required to pay the rent until the end of the tenancy. Be honest with your landlord and if a new tenant is found additional costs may be avoided. Utilities and services will need to be informed, you will leave final meter readings with gas, electric and the water board. Final meter reading can only be given on the day you move therefore you will be required to ring in on the day and request that the final bill is emailed to you. Telephone and broadband must be cancelled a month before you leave or services will remain connected. Do this in plenty of time as you do not want to pay more than is necessary. The same applies to mobile phone providers check that your mobile can work in the USA and find out what you need to do. Remember to cancel car insurance, house insurance and any other monthly outgoings that you will no longer require.

If you own a car it is best to sell the vehicle as it is not practical to move a motor vehicle to America. It is possible to move furniture and personal belongings via a shipping company. There will be some items that you do not need to ship as they are easy to replace when you get over there. Be frugal with your packing as now is a good time for a clear out. When all of the practicalities have been taken care of you can spend your last few weeks catching up with friends and family before you leave.

If you are moving to America and need help, go online and make enquiries about shipping to America. Arrange for most of your items to be packed up and shipped across by shipping companies in the UK.

by: Martin Johnson

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