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subject: Application Lifecycle Management A Configurable Global Platform [print this page]

The highly competitive business environment has led the enterprises to make use of every technological innovation that is made available. However, as customers gain awareness about the technological innovations and upgrading, there arises a demand for better and faster applications, products and services. To keep pace with the ever-changing customer demands against the time required to complete a software development lifecycle is a challenge for the enterprises

Technological innovations over the years have facilitated the development of solutions to help the enterprises meet these challenges without any compromise on quality. Further, developing solutions for complex business applications requires efficient software development life cycle. By coordinating business management and software engineering, along with software architecture, coding, testing systems and release management enterprises can be assured of efficient software development process.

The application lifecycle management being a continuous process helps to manage the lifecycle of any applications through its development, maintenance, governance and compatibility stages and helps the enterprises to overcome the complexities in application delivery. The business value of the application is however dependent on all the aspects. The governance extends over the entire application lifecycle and includes decision-making and project management. Development in an applications lifecycle includes creation of multiple upgrades and newer versions whereas operation refers to the work required to run an application.

To meet the ever-changing customer demands the global enterprises require world class IT infrastructure loaded with best-of-the-breed applications. Further, to facilitate a smooth functioning of all the applications in the networked environment, the enterprises need to make use of efficient IT service management tools and Help desk solutions.

The application lifecycle management system offered by the leading service providers has an automated management system that has the ability to incorporate traditional and agile methodology. For the enterprises with offshore locations and working through distant teams, the ALM solutions can be integrated with requirement management, test management, risk management as well as project management. Such integrations not only make it easy for implementing the software development lifecycle but also provide the teams an easy access to the vital corporate data.

The application lifecycle management solutions offered by the leaders in the industry are web based solution that not only enables multiple input methods also allows to import files from other document formats. Further, this provides a rich and configurable global platform for implementing a software development life cycle collaborate on the entire development cycle and tracing implementations giving the global enterprise a competitive edge, increases productivity levels and improves business prospects.

by: pbrown

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