subject: Choosing A Personal Loan That Best Fits Your Requirements [print this page] A personal loan can be an answer to almost any financial problem. From an expensive holiday, to revamping your house, personal loans in India can be the one-stop solution for anyone with a monetary requirement. Finding the ideal one for you can be a difficult task. However, with a number of different options available to consumers today, personal finance has been made easier. There are a few things that you should keep in mind when choosing a personal loan.
Interest Rates
No matter where you apply for your personal loan from, or which one you apply for, personal loan interest rates are always higher than the interest rates for other loans. Comparing the interest rates of different banks and financial institutions ensures that you dont get a bad deal when youre choosing a personal loan . There are three different types of rates that you can choose from fixed, floating or flat. Since the EMI for Flat rates remains the same throughout the personal loan tenure, it can turn out to be more expensive in the long run. However, the other two options have varied EMIs depending on the outstanding amount. Make sure you calculate which one would work the best for your situation, and then choose the personal loan that fits your requirement.
Almost all banks and financial institutions require you to provide collateral for a personal loan in India . Most lenders would require your collateral price to be slightly more than the personal loan you are applying for. But keep in mind that this would change from institution to institution, reading the fine print and speaking to representatives from the bank ensures you know exactly what they need before providing any details for your personal finance.
Compare and Analyse
Before you choose your personal loan, compare all the options in the market. Go to different banks and speak to their personal loan officers. Take a lot of information on all the available choices, read through them carefully and then make a decision. These days most of the information required is available on the internet. You can sit at home and figure out the best personal loan for you while sitting on the computer. Most websites have applications that can even help you calculate your EMIs and interest rates online. There are several other websites that provide you with the option to compare all the features of personal loans in India. You just have to fill in a form and all the plausible and ideal options appear right on your computer screen!
Repaying Your Personal Loan
Your repayment period would largely depend on the amount of personal loan you have applied for. You can always ask for a longer loan period if your loan is large, however keep in mind that the longer the tenure, the higher your overall cost is going to be. Repaying your personal loan in a shorter time period means that you have the benefit of paying it off at lower interest rates.
The best personal loan for you would depend on all the factors mentioned above. Keep in mind that speaking to loan officers and other experts ensures that you dont regret the option that youve picked. Personal loans are the best answers to most people questions, with the right kind of choices theyll be your solution to almost everything!
by: nehasharma
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