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Anti-theft Devices Help Save On Car Insurance

With the rise of modern technology, which allows drivers to protect their cars with anti-theft devices, auto theft rates have fallen to the pre-1970s, helping drivers ultimately save on auto insurance coverage.

According to the FBI, anti-theft devices are responsible for an estimated 7.2 percent drop in theft rates in 2010, compared to 2009's rate of 794,616. Frank Scafidi, spokesperson for the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), reported that today "more theft protection bells and whistles come from the manufacturer," allowing for the lowest car-theft rates since 1967.

Anti-theft devices have a huge impact on premiums for auto insurance coverage, and drivers who do not have an alarm system pre-installed can purchase and install an alarm at an affordable price.

According to Alicia Charles-St. Juste, senior assistant vice president of Amica's sales and client services, insurance companies do not have a set discount for the various anti-theft devices that can be installed, but a car alarm "definitely does make a difference" in affordable auto insurance coverage.
Anti-theft Devices Help Save On Car Insurance

Insurance providers, such as State Farm, offer special discounts for cars equipped with qualified anti-theft alarm systems, and drivers can save more, depending on what category they fall under. Experts recommend drivers to look into installing an ignition or fuel kill switch, gearshift locks, hood locks, armored collar, noise alarms, or vehicle tracking devices to properly protect their vehicles.

Presently, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island are the only states that require insurance providers to offer policyholders discounts if anti-theft devices are installed in their vehicles, but insurance providers from other states still voluntarily offer these discounts.

According to the National Association of Insurance Commission (NAIC), Insurance providers offer discounts ranging from 15 to 20 percent for alarms that will automatically activate when the vehicle is locked.

NICB experts urge drivers to implement "layers of protection" to help reduce the risks of theft, including not leaving the keys in the vehicles and installing auto tracking devices. Scafidi recommends The Club as a cheap option for drivers who cannot afford a state-of-the-art alarm system. "It's relatively inexpensive, but it works. It actually will deter a certain level of thief," he said.

National Quotes explains that all drivers should compare auto insurance quotes to help find the best coverage and anti-theft discounts available on the market.

by: Frank Williams

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