subject: Dont Get Caught Out When Shopping Online [print this page] A famous cricketer once said: The problem with common sense is that it is not all that common. The fact is that if you do check what you buy online, then you will not be scammed. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people who will try anything to make a quick buck and try and con unsuspecting consumers out of their hard earned cash. Here are some tips to stop you being stung when shopping online:
Checkout the websites return policy
When you are shopping online there is no opportunity to feel the quality of the goods you are buying. That is why it is vital to understand fully the websites return policy. Many of the top online retailers will offer you a fourteen day returns policy that allows you to return goods to a store or through the post. This offers you the chance to check out your purchases and make sure they meet the expected standard. A good rule of thumb is that if there is no returns policy then it is probably best to avoid the website entirely as you cannot guarantee the quality of the product.
Consider the delivery costs
The cost of post and packaging can add substantially to your shopping total and should always be a vital consideration when shopping online. If spending over a certain amount many websites will offer the shipping for free. However, if youre not spending a lot on a product the shipping costs can tip the balance. Be aware that some websites will not mention the postage costs right until the checkout, so before finalising the payment always check the total price.
Check the websites credentials
It is important to check the address of the company that you are buying from. When buying from a company within the UK you are protected by the Sales of Goods Act, whereas if you inadvertently buy from a company abroad there is very little protection. So, make sure the registered address for the company is in the UK before buying.
Utilise the feedback given by other customers
Nearly all ecommerce websites now have a customer review section under each product on their website. This gives you vital clues to not only the quality of a product, but the level of service the company provides. Harness this feedback to make an informed decision before you purchase anything.
Check that the payment service is secure
Always check that the payment wall of an ecommerce site is secured before divulging your personal details. For added security you can use a credit card, PayPal or password protected debit cards to make sure you are safe.
by: Christina Jones
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