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How To Get Women Now!

How To Get Women Now!
How To Get Women Now!

Fresh breath is the last thing 99% of guys ever think about. It sounds basic and obvious but most men never really think hard about this.

And I am talking about whether it's trying to get those digits from her or going in for the kiss or bringing her back to your place: your breath has be as fresh as possible.

It's such a big turnoff for women: bad breath. If you don't believe me, ask any woman you see right now. They will all say "absolutely. They want a man that has good over all hygiene at the minimum.

I mean think about it. When you are in a club and the music is blaring, you have to really use those lungs to get what you are saying to her to be heard. Even in a bar, they have music playing.

If you are on a date, your breath should be absolutely great. Look, going for a kiss for the first time you are being intimate with her. This is crucial to understand.

By the way, one of the worst thing you can do for your dating life is to smoke. Well, I am just saying that not only is it bad for you, but cigarette breath will kill your game. Most people today, and especially women are not into tobacco. But I know it's your decision.

End The Problem Forever

So we know that the solution is to have great breath but how do you do this? Well, floss and brush your teeth before you go out on the "prowl" or on a date. I would go as far as to get a tongue scrapper. For cheap, you can buy this at Rite Aid or a grocery store.

Also, keep breath mints in your pockets AT ALL TIMES! No gum but breath mints. What works great are those little breath strips.

Do this like I do and you will never have to worry about this deal- breaker ever again!

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