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Jiu Jitsu Gi Tournaments In 2011

Jiu Jitsu Gi Tournaments In 2011
Jiu Jitsu Gi Tournaments In 2011

The starting of this year is marked by Jiu Jitsu Gi tournaments. This 12 months The planet Specialized Jiu Jitsu Cup will be held in 2011 in Abu Dhabi. It's the third annual largest Jiu Jitsu function inside the world. The prize cash is from a combined fund that is certainly an volume of 1 million US money. The theme of Jiu Jitsu in 2011 is- a person world, a single fight. The self-discipline from the match is grappling. The notion in the match came into existence in 2009. The occasion has can come up with a whole new collection of rankings in accordance aided by the pounds divisions.The ranks in the athletes in Jiu Jitsu in 2011 will depend for the positions they attained in the numerous functions inside year 2009. A straight entry into your quarter finals will be offered to individuals who occupied the very first four positions inside the 2009 cup. The entrance into your round of eight will likely be provided to people that accomplished the fifth, 6th, 7th and 8th positions. At the stop of each season, the athletes will get much more details inside the ranking on submission. The athlete inside 1st placement will get an excess 5000 tips, the a single within the 2nd place will get 3000 issues plus the 3rd one particular will get 2000 points.In, Jiu Jitsu in 2011, the athlete might be in a position to defend his/her title for the basis of tryouts. On this event, the champion will have to defend himself/herself from the athlete who has attained the very first rank. The Trial rankings are- inside trial category: 20 factors will fetch you the first rank, ten points will give you the 2nd rank and 4 position will get you the third rank. Inside the weights category: 10points with the initially rank, 5 issues towards the moment rank and two issues towards the third. Within the absolute category you are going to get: 1st rank in case you get 40 points, 2nd rank when you get 20 tips and 3rd rank in the event you get 8 issues.The format of Jiu Jitsu in 2011 and also the prize from the Jiu Jitsu Gi divisions are as follows- from the adult men's brown/black belt inside absolute category will win $30,000 to the 1st rank; $a few,000 with the 2nd rank and $1,500 on the third rank. From the weights category it is $8,000 on the 1 who arrives 1st, $a few,000 on the 2nd and $one,500 for the third. In the feminine area, in the purple, brown or black belt there may be no contest inside absolute amount, there may be area for under weights. They get $four,000; $2,000 and $500 on the initial, second and third rank accordingly. Inside the white and blue belts feminine category, the initial and 2nd ranks get $a few,000 and one,500 respectively.All over again in the males's brown/black belt within the absolute category $15,000; $1,500 and $750 are given towards the 1st 3 positions respectively. Inside weights category, they give $four,000; $1,500 and $750 towards the first, 2nd and two winners from the 3rd place. From the adult males's purple belt category there is no 3rd spot as well as the initially two positions get $2,500 and 1,000 respectively. Similarly from the adult males's blue belt, the first and 2nd positions get $one,500 and $750 respectively. The levels of competition dates are 8th- 9th and 14th-16th April 2011. The teams in Jiu Jitsu in 2011 are categorized as: 3stars- Korea, China, Jordan and Bahrain; 4stars- New Zealand, Poland and South Africa and finally the 5stars- Brazil, Canada, USA, Australia, Portugal, Sweden, Japan and United Kingdom.Quality Jiu Jitsu Gi at an affordable price!

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