subject: Banbridge Co Down Northern Ireland braves the recession, may just be a step in the proper direction [print this page] Banbridge Co Down Northern Ireland braves the recession, may just be a step in the proper direction
Banbridge is a fairish sized town in Northern Ireland. Recently the town has been caught up in the midst of a catch-22 between the local town traders and the developers of a huge commercial facility just outside the town at Bridgewater Park. Banbridge already has The Outlet, a large shopping development of mostly multinational stores selling the end of line stock at factory prices. In an effort to further promote themselves, Banbridge businesses are taking to the internet via the towns very own website
Banbridge has for years been a great town to shop in and central to both Belfast and Dublin. Its just off the main carriage way that joins the two cities. The town's main street is very surprising, and rises to a steep hill before levelling out. In 1834 an underpass was made, apparently because horses with heavy loads would faint before reaching the top of the hill. It was built by William Dargan and is officially named 'Downshire Bridge', though it is often called 'The Cut'
The town owed its token success to flax and the linen industry, becoming by 1772 the principal linen producing district in Ireland with a total of 26 bleach greens along the Bann. This industry has now greatly limited in prominence, but Banbridge still has two of the major producers in Ulster Weavers Ltd, and Thomas Ferguson & Co Ltd., the last remaining Irish linen damask weaver.
Since 2004, Banbridge has staged an annual busking competition and music festival called Buskfest. Performers have travelled from as far as Australia to participate in the competition and the evening concert has included a number of world-famous artists.
In 2006 was launched by a local company called Gekkoshot. The website showcases all of the major Banbridge businesses, Banbridge shops and Banbridge events. Banbridge Guide now has over 200 local businesses signed up and ranks quite highly in Google for lots of local searches. The website is getting a huge rebuild in spring 2011 and its a great example of how some small to medium sized towns in Ireland are looking to the future and getting online.
A final planning verdict is expected on the new Banbridge Bridgewater Park development in March 2011. Local traders have been urged to get more creative with attracting more footfall to the town. In this online day and age Banbridge Guide is sure to be the best platform for Banbridge to promote itself and reach both a wider and perhaps younger audience.
More more information on shops and businesses in Banbridge, visit
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