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How Does Men Get Candida Infection

How Does Men Get Candida Infection
How Does Men Get Candida Infection

Generally speaking, candida or yeast infection is the problem of the women. Most people that talk about it and are seeking help with yeast infection are the women. However, a lot of men are also suffering from this infection. It is known as candida men or candida penis. The question now is, How does men get yeast infection?

There is only thru one way that men get infected with yeast infection. It is thru sexual intercourse with a women suffering from this problem. So, men who are regularly using protective condom, have unintentionally protected themselves from this disease.

But, not all men having sex with infected women will develop yeast infection. It will only happens if the men is weak in body immunity. This is usually when you are not well.

The other possibility is when the men is taking too much antibiotics. This strong medications kill off those good bacteria in the digestive tract, which are supposed to keep the yeast in check. In the men's body, in normal situation, also have some yeast which is healthy and necessary.

Some of the symptoms of candida infection in men includes candida rash, itchiness in the penis, drops of which discharge from the penis, and pain during urination. However, if you do notice these symptoms, it is important not to jump immediately to the conclusion that you are having yeast infection. Most sexually-transmitted diseases also share the similar symptoms. It is important, therefore, to see a medical personnel, and get yourself properly diagnosed.

So, now we understand men can get yeast infection. But, it is much easier for men to avoid yeast infection. He only needs to make sure that he does not get sexually involved with a women suffering from yeast infection.
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