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How to Get the Best Job
How to Get the Best Job

Many a times, candidates might not fit the exact eligibility criteria for a exact job profile, but would have fantastic talent and potential to live up to the role completely. Let's face it - most employers would choose to hire candidates with the right qualifications and experience in the field over candidates, no concern how enthusiastic, who lack qualifications.

I believe any talented candidate who has the right attitude and aptitude for the job and is passionate about joining will always find a way through. There is no way any candidate is going to be 100 per cent correct for a job; every organisation wants to find the right suit in terms of manner and if once in a while we find a candidate who is extraordinarily talented, we construct sure we groom him/her into the job that we as well as the candidate deems fit.

Nearly all of the times, the criteria is specific to one's academic experience, years of experience and particular job profile. Often, candidates' discreet feedback from industry individuals make them eligible and companies are keen to poach those persons for the job. Qualifications do matter, but occasionally you do come across a candidate with a different spark. So, if we come across someone who has that kind of expertise and is rich in experience; probably, we could also look at bypassing the qualification aspect.

Fishing out the Best

Often, companies lose a large number of probable candidates by just evaluating them through their resume. But, there are other ways to gauge a candidate's qualities too. Telephonic interactions and face-to-face meetings are greatly valuable. Such approaches coupled with industry references who have worked with them in the past to talk about his/her skills, potential and performance on the job, can go a long way. This is a tough call; we live in a era of information overdose and hence, from time to time it becomes easy for the valuable bits to slip away. HR has to ensure that they are nodes for human resource development and recruitment is just a portion of their job profile. In order to look after the long-term health of the company, suitable processes have to be put in place to make sure that the cream always comes to the top and the candidates with advantage do not get away.

So, if you know that you can do that job better than someone else even though you might not have the correct degree, here are a few tips from industry experts to help you grab your dream job! Impress with your talent at your interview and there is no way you will go away without the job. If a candidate does not have the right qualification and experience, then it is advisable to be the best in one's job. Hold a nice network with professionals and managers, with whom you have worked in the past because if you are good in your job, then people who have seen you working will fight and chase you to get you in their team. I think the candidate wishes to be very focused, determined and persistent in applying to companies because now you also have the economy opening up and there are many more opportunities waiting to be seized and people are looking for talent. It is in the awareness of the candidate that he or she is open about their level of skill and experience and able to cast that ability to pick up the required level of proficiency and go beyond by citing examples of having done so before, either in a previous work situation or even while studying.

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