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Information on family accommodation for a trip to Jamaica

If you are planning a family trip, you may have thought of staying in a hotel. However, there is another option that you can consider and that is staying in Jamaica accommodation rentals. Where you stay can make all the difference to your trip and this article lists the differences between the two.

First let us consider hotels. If you are travelling with your family or in a large group, it is highly unlikely you'll get rooms next to each other, which means if you want to spend some time together, it would be outdoors or crammed in one room. Also if you simply want to relax, let go, and do what you like, when you like, a hotel may not provide you the environment to indulge yourself. For example, for meals, you would have to follow the times of the restaurants and dine in formal surroundings.

Jamaica accommodation rentals, on the other hand, are your home away from home.' This is because these rentals are actually second homes of people from across the world who come here to spend some months and then rent them out for the remaining time of the year. This proves to be a win-win situation for both as the owners get to make some extra money and vacationers can get their own private space and that too at rates that are more affordable than hotels.

Now in terms of facilities. The rentals are professionally managed and provide all the services you would get in a hotel including housekeeping and laundry. Added to these is the fact that these rentals have their own well-equipped kitchen, which means you can eat what you like, when you like, in your dining area or in the veranda amidst the breathtakingly beautiful surroundings. The services of a cook are included in the package so you don't have to prepare your meals yourself. Eating in can help you save big money. Then again, a hotel room would usually include a TV; the rentals on the other hand include TV, DVD/CD player, Internet, books etc, so if you just want to stay in and relax, there is lots that you can do. And if it is a lazy day that you want to spend, you can lounge in the porch reading your favourite book or simply enjoy the beautiful views of the Caribbean Sea.

There are some accommodation rentals that cater specially to families and large groups. Take the case of Silver Sands villas, a secure community of villas and cottages located on the island's north coast where most tourist attractions of the island are concentrated. The rentals here encompass a private beach that is perfect for swimming and snorkelling. What is more important is the fact that the community provides childcare facilities and has a separate play area for kids so if you want spend some private moments with your partner/spouse you can do so secure in the knowledge that they are in safe hands and have enough activities to keep them busy and happy.

To sum up, a hotel would provide you with the services that hotels are known to provide. However, by staying in your own private space, you would get the best of both the worldsthe services of a hotel with the comfort of a home. Besides, Jamaica accommodation rentals allow you to immerse yourself in the local culture, retain your independence, be in close proximity to the tourist attractions and gain insider's tips of what to do away from the usual tourist traps from the staff who is natives of the island.

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