subject: Usual Marriage Problems - Complacency Is Like The Plague [print this page] Usual Marriage Problems - Complacency Is Like The Plague
Complacency like many other common marriage problems is a bit like the plague. It's catching and it spreads, you don't hear it and you don't see it and by the time you realise what is happening the damage is done.
Don't ever become complacent, like everything else in life marriage has to be worked at, the relationship nurtured and your partner cared for. If you've fallen into the common marriage problems trap and let the rot set in but want to save your marriage my advice is to go back to basics.
It is so easy to fall into a daily routine, fuelled by responsibilities and just forget what relationships are all about. With so much to do each day, and without the need to plan to meet each other, relationships tend to be pushed to the back, treated as something that doesn't need to be attended to and left to just bumble along.
Often we fail to make time for our partners and when we do, it's often some stolen moments at the end of a long hard day when we lack the energy to show how much we love and appreciate each other and are just too tired to have any fun.
When spouses begin to feel neglected they often start with the subtle plea, a gentle reminder that they feel that they aren't important any more, that they feel unloved, undervalued and that another of those common marriage problems, boredom with the daily routine has set in. And so the rot begins......
It is all too easy to brush aside their pleas, just assume that they know you love them, expect them to understand that you are tired, believe that they will understand that you don't have the time and all too soon forget the initial signs that the marriage is in trouble.
If you continue to ignore the early unrest it can seem a clear indication to your partner that life is more important than they are. It won't matter that you are getting stick at work or that the children need ferrying around or that other responsibilities are getting in the way, they will just see this big neon sign saying 'you don't love me any more', you don't want to save your marriage, no advice, no gentle nudge, no subtle plea is going to make a difference.
It is critical that no matter what life throws at us we show that we value our partners, and our relationships, every day of our lives. Common marriage problems such as complacency, boredom, jealousy, lack of trust and even infidelity just creep up on us, out of nowhere, and without us making an effort what we craved, what we worked for and what we have enjoyed can crumble away before our very eyes.
All it takes is those small gestures, nothing fancy, nothing time consuming, nothing expensive just small and thoughtful little gestures that show love, respect and affection for each other. An indication that we still appreciate our marriage, our relationship and the life we have together.
If you want to save your marriage, my advice is make your spouse your top priority, let them see that they are valuable and precious, and that above all they and their feelings come first.
Compliments should be regular, not a thing of the past and not something that you believe is no longer required. Make sure your spouse knows that you appreciate them, respect them, love them and admire then and above all make sure that they know that you want to be with them.
Ensure that you spend time together and relax, enjoy and appreciate each others company. Don't loose those intimate moments no matter how hard it is. Touch hands when passing, hold hands when you walk, kiss each other hello and goodbye, make time for a cuddle every day and never loose the excitement of the fleeting glance and the odd caress. If you fail to keep that bond between you your relationship will start to slide and before you know it what was once a loving marriage will become an empty shell.
Complacency is a very true and common marriage problem, don't assume it won't happen to you and don't assume that you know each other so well that you don't need to make an effort. Some marriages take more work than others but all marriages need nurturing to survive.
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