subject: How to Make Money Selling Your Stuff on Consignment [print this page] How to Make Money Selling Your Stuff on Consignment
Are you one of those people that have a lot of things around that you know are worth money but have little or now time to figure out how to make money selling them? Maybe it is that old pick up truck sitting in your driveway, or your antique doll collection that is doing nothing more than collecting dust up in your attic. No matter what these items might be, you do have one option that can earn you those dollars you want for those items but not having to take so much time to get them sold. Consignment is a great way for people to get their valuable items sold without taking the time to do it.
The basic concept of consignment is for you to hand your items over to a seller who finds you a buyer. These "middlemen" will usually charge a fee, often a percentage of the sale, or sometimes an upfront cost, which is how they can afford to do your selling for you. Many people do not realize how to make money using consignment, but those who do use it often. The ability to get your items sold without the labor and sometimes extensive amounts of time to do it is stress free and not only helps you out but the sales person as well.
Using consignment is one way that shows how to make money without much effort, and all you have to do is recognize the value in the items you have to sell. You can name the price of your item with the sales person, and even let them know what the lowest offer you will accept from potential buyers. Most consignment shops will drive the sale so they can make their money, and even push for the highest price possible, especially if they are working for a percentage of the final sale price. This is a great situation for you as well as the consignment shop.
Overall, figuring our how to make money using consignment sales is easy and the hardest part of the whole process is finding the right consignment location for you. Some are very specialized, and this can be a great asset for you if you are looking for top dollar for your item. Other consignment locations might be more generalized, and could be a good place if you have a lot of items or more general merchandise type items for sale. Either way you should find the consignment process to be an easy one.
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