subject: What Makes Women More Prone To Produce Girls? [print this page] What Makes Women More Prone To Produce Girls?
I often hear from families who have only conceived one gender. For example, I might hear from someone who has three or more girls but who has been unable to conceive boys. Or, I might hear from a woman who has a house full of daughters but who really wants a son. Many of these women worry that they aren't able to conceive their desired gender. So, the woman with sons might think she can never have a daughter. I actually had one woman very directly ask me "what makes a woman prone to having only female or girl babies? I really want a son but I don't think it's possible for me." The answer to this question has many possible variables, but it's not as complicated as some might think. I will discuss this more in the following article.
The Bottom Line On What Determines Baby Gender: To put it as simply as I can, there are basically two equations that you can get when you conceive. The answer or sum is going to determine your baby's gender. For example, if you get XY, then you will have a boy. If you get XX, then you will have a girl. The man or father-to-be can contribute both X's and Y's. The mother only contributes X's.
Could It Be The Father Who Is To Blame If A Couple Isn't Conceiving Girls?: So often, when women keep having one gender instead of the other, they will look to the father. They will begin to suspect that, if they are having boys, perhaps the man is not cable of producing sperm with X chromosomes. Or, if they are having girls, they will suspect that their partner is short on Y's. There have been scientific studies which dispute this.
One study tested the sperm of father's who had produced at least three babies of one gender. So the men in the study had to have at least three daughters or three sons. The only difference that the study was able to find in the sperm was a difference in volume. However, there was no notable difference in the ratio of X to Y's in these fathers. This would dispute the theory that some men are only cable of producing only one of the sperm chromosomes.
How The Mother-To-Be Or Woman Can Influence Her Baby's Gender: It's accurate to say that the woman only contributes X's. However, this is not her only contribution. Before the sperm can fertilize the egg, it faces many obstacles and challenges along the way. It has to go through the woman's reproductive tract, and this area will typically either be naturally acidic or alkaline.
X's or girls are the only chromosomes that thrive in an acidic environment. Such surroundings end up being just too harsh for the Y or boy producing sperm. That's why I often advise women who keep having girl babies to check their acidity rather than just conceding that their husband or they themselves can't conceive girls. The reason that I advise this is that it's entirely possible to change this and to make yourself more alkaline which makes things easier for those Y's. (If you wanted more girls, you would want to make sure that you remain acidic.) Granted, you will have to tweak your diet and what you're eating and you might even want to try douching if you're not seeing the changes that you want.
And, the timing that a woman uses absolutely matters also. Conceiving well before ovulation favors the X's because (as you might have already deducted) they are stronger, longer lived, and are less likely to die off. Simply put, the girl producing sperm is hardier and lives for hours (and sometimes for days) longer. If you want a boy baby, it can really help quite a bit to wait until after ovulation to attempt to conceive. This means that the more vulnerable Y's don't have to wait on the egg and this means they are as strong as they can possibly be when they begin to navigate the reproductive tract which, with any luck, you've managed to make alkaline if you want a son this time.
It's also often advisable to get a good ovulation predictor and a generous supply of PH testing strips. This ensures that you aren't having to guess where you are in your cycle and if you are too acidic or not alkaline enough when the right time presents itself.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender when getting pregnant. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for determining ovulation times, douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.
If you want a boy baby, check out
If you want a girl baby, check out
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