subject: DCUO Stats Guide - All Stats In DC Universe Online Explained [print this page] DCUO Stats Guide - All Stats In DC Universe Online Explained
Here's a quick little DCUO stats guide that will guide you through a lot of the stats in the game and will help you determine what kind of gear you should be putting on your character. One of the most common questions is "what gear is best to use," and this is something that will help to answer that. Each character is different, and by realizing that you will be able to make a much more informed decision on what gear is best for your person.
Health is the key to staying alive. It's the amount of damage you can take before dying. As you can imagine, this is your primary statistic in the game because it practically is your life. In most games you have a health bar, and this game is no different. If your health goes to zero, you're dead.
Power is a very useful stat because you need it to do a lot of damage. Generally the only people who don't strive to get power are healers and tanks, but even so, tanks should not overlook it when they can get it easily. Power is one of those stats that you should find somewhat easily because it is so common.
This stat is only for healers. If you are a healer then this is one of your main ones, if not your most important one. Basically the more restoration you have is the harder your heals will heal for, and thus you will be able to keep others alive much more easily when you have a ton of restoration being stacked on your gear.
Might is what you want if you are using a melee weapon or something similar to inflict damage on your opponents. Might is not for you if you are a Wizard / Sorcerer / Mentalist. If you are any of those then you want something else which I will cover below. Might is for those people using physical strength to attack their enemies, whether you are ranged or in melee distance.
Precision will directly increase your DPS (damage per second) because it will make whatever weapon you have better. Finding a balance between Might and Precision is key, but generally as you get both stats you will see what helps your DPS the most.
Vitalization is an important stat because you need it to regenerate power. However, never sacrifice any of the other important stats for this one. It's much better to increase your damage or health than to increase the rate at which you generate power. You can generally regenerate after you are done fighting.
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