subject: Children's Book Sets Are The Secret to Keeping The Child's Imagination Open To Anything [print this page] Children's Book Sets Are The Secret to Keeping The Child's Imagination Open To Anything
Books open a portal to a whole new world and children's book sets can keep the imagination hard at work and going for a long time. The imagination allows the brain to take you on journey after journey. As you begin your reading journey, you tend to lose track of where you are, the time and even who you are! Books have the power to let the reader's mind run away on them. Just for the moment allow yourself to let go of reality and become transformed in a book.
Every day you learn about someone in America who does not know how to read; illiteracy has no place here. With all of the books that libraries hold, there is so much to be learned; kids educational books are not just for kids, adults can learn from them as well. Remember the saying that," everything you need to learn you can learn in kindergarten". Only in part is this true; every day is a learning experience! Don't you prefer to continue to stir your imagination?
You, the parent, has the power to begin teaching your baby before your baby is even born. You can give your baby a head start by reading to them while they are still inside you; this is also a wonderful bonding time for you and baby. Babies who are read to have a stronger vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. It is also said to make your baby calmer- who doesn't want their child to be calmer?
We all have our own depiction of the fairy tale Cinderella story. Who wouldn't want to be a royalty? This story puts your child in the princess seat and lets her dress up and dance around in front of a mirror. With a story like Cinderella you can make alterations with your imagination that you see fit for your own hopes and dreams.
We don't always have it in us to read on a given night. If you find yourself not wanting to, that is okay because you can go to the library and rent a book on tape; this way your baby will not be left without a daily story you can have them listen to it even if they are still in the belly or just a newborn. Children's book sets make wonderful kids birthday gifts. Books are the most important thing that you can give a child of any age. So much can be learned and let's face it, don't parents adore seeing their imagination come to life? The look on their faces when reading a book or listening to it is beyond belief.
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