subject: Get to know more about Japanese girl [print this page] Get to know more about Japanese girl Get to know more about Japanese girl
Even though, Japan is located in Asia, doesn't mean they are all the same. Let me explain two characteristics of Japanese people. The first one is similar to other Asian countries.Japanese people tend to keep their negative emotions inside, meaning if they disagree something, they may not say it out loud. They may not physically express anger or hurt.If you are from Western civilization, and want to date with a Japanese girl/woman, you should recognize and familiarize this point. Try to not give your opinions too openly, orcriticizesomeone that she knows- you will rarely know whether or not she agrees with you.
The second one is anoppositecharacteristic compare to other Asian countries. Japanese are quite "independent". They are just like Western society, in an Asian body (perhaps, some are more independent more then Western people). Generally, Asian people are not so independent from their family. They always listen to their family's opinion, unlike the Japanese culture.
If you are on a date, or with a Japanese woman, avoid speaking about your family business too much. Discussing things like your family issues, problems and personal matters may turn off a Japanese girl. If you are trying to date a Japanese girl, don't bring up your parent's career, their salary or your siblings' life during this time, they are not appropriate conversations. Finally, if you are over 23 and still live with your parents, they may find you very childish and immature.
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