subject: It is too easy to save money [print this page] It is too easy to save money It is too easy to save money
Do you want more money? Of course you do. Almost everyone could use more money. But how do you get it? You can request a raise at work, or you can get a second or third job. Or you can go back to school to learn skills that will help you sell more. All these things are likely to be working, but they will take. One thing many people overlook their quest for more revenue to work with what they already have.
I know that does not sound as a way to earn more money, but the simple fact is that most people are not cost-effective. They fritter away the money they are making a lot. Have you ever noticed how, after working to lift, you still do not seem to do any better? How could this be? That's because it costs you.
If you can find away to keep more money you already have, then you will not only have more money now. But when you earn more money, he will have a greater impact.
Make a budget.
Yep I said this word. It is surprising to me how many people do not have the budget. They may say things like that, it's not in my budget, but what they really mean it, I do not have enough in the bank. I'm not going to go into how to make a budget here, but if you do not know how you can read my article about him.
The reason is simple for the budget. If you do not know what you spend your money than you can know where you can cut back. Once you have accurately accounted for spending your money where you can find that you're spending it on something you do not really need.
Replace your coffee
People drink coffee in the morning and all day parking. And although it does not appear to be significant costs $ 2.00 a cup, it can add quickly. Imagine that you have to drink two cups of coffee a day. That is about $ 20 per week, or about $ 80 a month. If you bought a bag of coffee, it should take you about two weeks, depending on how much you drink. Bag of coffee, depending on the brand will cost you about $ 8. Thus, it is $ 16 per month. Suppose, even $ 8 a month for milk and sugar (if you want). If it is a reusable cup, filling many positions will be $ 0.99, that is $ 10 per week or $ 40 per month.
Drinking coffee in your home in the morning and using a filling option, eventually spending about $ 64 per month for your coffee vs. $ 80. $ 16 per month is not a big savings but it is equivalent to an inexpensive meal at a restaurant, or about 4-5 gallons of gas for your car. If you usually get lattes and other things that cost more, then you will save more.
Pack lunch part.
Let's say you eat dinner 5 days a week. approximately $ 7.00 meal, we are talking about $ 35 dollars per week or per month $ 140th If a package of lunch like a drink, some fruit, some chips and then you can eat, but leave the cost of say $ 3.00 a day. By bringing your drink and side dish, which should only cost you about $ 15 per week or $ 60 per month and costs $ 3 meal, $ 9.00 per week, month, or $ 36 you will eventually cost $ 96 per month for your dinner vs. $ 140 per month you will save $ 44 per month. Again, not enough to stop you working more, but it is equal to approximately 11 to 13 liters of gas tank which equals a lot of people.
Switch to compact fluorescent
Check the light bulbs around your home. Do you have an incandescent or compact fluorescent? Compact fluorescents use only 25% is equivalent to incandescent energy. So that means if you have a 75-watt bulb for four hours on the day you have to pay for 300 watts of power, but if you have installed compact fluorescent you would pay for only 75 watts of power. Your potential savings will depend on how much you pay for electricity and how much light you leave and for how long.
Turn the water heater.
How often do you use hot water straight from the tap? If you're like most people, I think you could almost never answered. Maybe in the kitchen when cooking or washing dishes. If you never use hot water straight from the tap, why are you heating it so high? You can go to your water heater and turn it down to a level that is comfortable to use. This way you save money by not heating water more than you need and not only with the additional cold water temperature to get down to what you can use. The main area to remember this is where you feel the heat coming off the pipes, it means that you are losing energy and money.
Quitting smoking
Smoking is expensive. One of the quickest ways to save money when you smoke is to quit smoking. If you smoke half a pack date, which is about three packs a week, or 12 packages per month. Approximately $ 5.00 per pack, that is $ 60 per month with cigarettes. If you quit smoking not only save you $ 60 a month, but your health will be better.
If you can not or do not want to quit can consider rolling your own. You can get enough loose tobacco, papers and filters to roll cigarettes for around 300-400 $ 30. So just change the type of cigarette smoke can save about $ 30 a month.
Shop Dollar Store
Another clever way to save money is to hit the dollar store. Almost every community has a dollar store nearby. It is unfortunate thing is many people do not ever go to them. But just think. If you can get the same brand of toothpaste $ 1.00, you usually spend $ 2.50 for, why you spend more money? I get my disposable razors, Palmolive dishwashing soap, Colgate Whitening toothpaste and other variety of things that I usually spend $ 3.00 to $ 5.00 a piece.
Watch movies at home
If you can wait a bit to see the latest movie you can save a lot of money. Most films cost $ 8.00 to $ 9.00 per adult ticket. For the same price, you can sign up for Netflix or Blockbuster and watch all the movies you want $ 9.00 per month.
Disable Cable.
With the average cable bill $ 40 range if you have an Internet connection can save a TV sign up for Netflix and Hulu Plus and get everything you get on cable is about $ 20 a month. If your account is more you save even more.
Store Price Book.
Everyone knows someone who just seems to intuitively recognize a good deal. However, most of us have trouble remembering all the different prices in different stores. You can keep the price to join your items in different stores, so that when you see a new item to sell at above $ 8.95 X, you'll know whether it is a good idea or not.
Another thing you can do if you download the smartphone is one of the many shopping apps they have. I use my shop Savy Android Phone. The store I just scan the barcode on the product and should be checked by the Internet and other nearby shops prices. I think that the program cost me about $ 2.00, but use it to purchase one at Christmas allowed me to save $ 35 on a gift I was going to buy.
Plan your holidays in advance.
If you want to go to summer vacation plan now. This will allow you to take advantage of early booking discounts, and if your vacation time is somewhat flexible, you may be able to save much money, takes place during the week that is less expensive.
Store in a hurry.
First make a list before the store and then do your shopping when you're in a hurry. If you follow these steps you will find that you end up picking up more impulsive purchases when you do not have a list and have a lot of time browsing the aisles.
Use rewards cards.
It seems that every shop has rewards card now. Some are very good, some not so much. I shop in stores on the basis of the rewards I can get. For example. I can save about $ 0.50 if I buy my coffee at Target. But if I had to pay extra at your local grocery store. They are the rewards program that gives me the money back each quarter. Since I shop there a lot anyways, it makes more sense for me to pay extra money because I am going to have to get some of it back.
Always read the terms and conditions. Rite Aid has quite such a good program that I signed up and start buying things there instead of other places. Only to find that the points are reset to zero by year's end. I signed up in November so that all the purchases I did not count for me now. I could have bought those things at the grocery store that would give me the money back.
These are just a few simple ways to save money that you can implement without changing your lifestyle. The great thing about the way in energy saving mindset is starting to find more and more ways to save money. A thrill for me to get something for cheaper than what you would normally have to pay for it.
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