subject: How to Get Pregnant Faster - Tips for Couples Who Want to Conceive Naturally [print this page] Having a baby is like a miracle happening to any couple. Unfortunately,conception might not happen as soon as you decided you want to get pregnant. Before you start to get concerned if the problem is due to fertility problems, there are several things you can do to get pregnant faster and naturally. You might just need to pay attention to certain things you do. Your health If you want to know how to get pregnant faster, the first thing you need to think about is your health. 1. Stop smoking if you have this habit. Smoking increases the mucus around the cervixwhich will make conception a lot harder. Smoking is also not good for the baby once you do conceive. 2. Exercise is important. You'll want a healthy body weight. That doesn't mean thin, you'll want to know your body mass index (BMI). The optimum BMI for conception is 19-24. 3. Make sure you practice healthy eating habits and follow a well-balanced diet. Preconception vitamins and minerals are great; this includes adding folic acid to your diet. Your menstrual cycle Another thing for you to consider if you want to get pregnant faster is your menstrual cycle. If your cycle is a normal 28-day cycle, chances are that ovulation occurs around the 14th day. Having sex on the 12th, 14th and 16th day will greatly improve your odds of getting pregnant. If your cycle isn't normal than you may want to purchase an ovulation kit. It will help you estimate when ovulation occurs. You can increase your odds of getting conceived if you have sex around the ovulation period. Your partner You also need to consider your partner's role when you want to get pregnant faster. What he eats is importan, too. A diet that is rich in zinc will increase sperm count, and helps to increase fertility naturally. Shellfish and eggs are good sources of zinc. Your partner has to be patient and understanding too when you guys are trying to conceive. Having sex frequently will not boost your chances of getting pregnant. It takes time for the man's body to get the sperm count back up again, so having intercourse on alternate days will better your chances of conception. Only after you've tried the above suggestions and haven't become pregnant within one year (or 6 months if you are 35 years old or older), you would want to speak to your doctor on treatments for infertility.
How to Get Pregnant Faster - Tips for Couples Who Want to Conceive Naturally
By: Serena Loo
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