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Rent to Buy Explained

Rent to Buy Explained
Rent to Buy Explained

Register your details with Rent to buy in Nottingham. Once we have spoken with you and confirmed some details, we'll find properties that match your criteria for you to inspect.

When you find a property that you like, then you confirm you would like to enter into a Purchase Option Agreement. We agree with you what time period you would like to take the option over (usually 3-5 years) and confirm the Option Fee (getting started) amount, usually 3-5% of purchase price. Together we set the monthly rental and installment payments that will add up towards your final deposit.

The relevant option paperwork is drawn up by Solicitors along with an Assured Tenancy Agreement for the duration of the option.

You move in and are free to enhance and add value to property during the period as any traditional homeowner would.

At the end of this period you purchase the property at the previously agreed price and any equity the property has gained is all yours!

As a Tenant Buyer you are not obligated to purchase the home at the end of your option/rental period.

The Seller is required to sell the Property to the Tenant Buyer, should the Tenant Buyer choose to exercise the right to buy during the option period

A Rent to Buy example:

Simon and Margaret sign a Purchase Option Agreement to purchase a Rent to Buy in Nottingham property in 4 years time. This is what happens.

The market valuation of the property today in 2010 is 100,000

They agree to pay 120,000 for the property in 2014

If the property is worth more in4 years time, say 130,000 then the Tenant Buyer keeps the difference.

Simon and Margaret pay a 4,000 Option Fee, which will come off the purchase price at the end of the 4 year term.

The market rent for the property is 600. We fix the rent under the market price because as tenant buyers we know Simon and Margaret will take better care of the property, so each month they will pay only 550 rent per month for the duration of the 4 year term with NO INCREASES.

They can afford to pay an Installment of100 on top of the monthly rent payment; again, these Installment payments will come off the purchase price at the end of the 4 year term.

Rent to buy in Nottingham will match these payments with a bonus monthly Installment Payment, pound for pound over the 4 years.

They live in the house for 4 years, treating it like their own home and then the day comes to complete the purchase, this is what happens.

The purchase price is 120,000. Simon and Margaret need a mortgage for 90% of the purchase price which is 108,000. They will need a deposit of 10% which is 12,000

They have the original Option Fee of4,000 put in at the beginning. They have paid a monthly Installment Payments of 100 per month over the 4 years which equates to 4,800 towards the mortgage deposit.

They also have the monthly Rent to buy in Nottingham Bonuses, which equates to 4,800

In total 13,600 towards a required deposit of 12,000 meaning they get back 1,600, plus if the property is worth more than the 120,000 purchase price, they'd keep that profit tooSo for 4,000 upfront and paying installments each month, Simon and Margaret now own their own home.So in the same period a traditional tenant would have paid 4years of dead rent money, you as a Tenant Buyer will own you own home!

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