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Burberry outlet Fashion Week in London

Burberry outlet Fashion Week in London
Burberry outlet Fashion Week in London

London local time 21 February, Burberry outlet Prorsum Fashion Week in London, Winter 2011/2012 women's series released. The first half of the show field filled with vibrant colors everywhere, bright bright colors comparable to the spring and summer, orange, blue, red, mustard yellow color of high purity ... ... people do not want to see a few gray after the winter, simple and keeps light-colored coat, with a lovely "cow hat" and the delicate stitching bag, opened a blog Burberry Prorsum 2011 autumn and winter women's big show off.

Burberry Prorsum designer Christopher Bailey in the classic Burberry outlet stores trench coat shape and uniform style, by adding a soft warm cocoon-shaped, bell-shaped profile and into the fold a more feminine details and waist cut, pleasing colors, comfortable with the profile of materials, such as snow and ice season in the warm sunshine. "I want to create a gorgeous 60's style and optimism, so that people feel that life is exciting."

In addition to eye-catching colors, this release profile shape playing game designer, from the 60's "O type" to "H", "T", "X", will be interesting to feel very different coat. In the release of the second half, with white to tell the story of the snow, show field at the end, the audience snow, Burberry Prorsum delivered to you a wonderful show.

Pure white fur, hollow cut, high waist dress, letting Burberry outlet Prorsum girls were elegant and noble into the ice queen. Badges with black leather bow belt, tough clash with lovely pure tones in the melt. Check the black and white finishing coat, once again sent a slim waist and large cocoon-shaped sleeves contrast.

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