subject: Hotels in London: The Refugé to the Weary Travelers [print this page] Hotels in London: The Refug to the Weary Travelers
All travelers who have a character full of 'wanderlust' would find their fascinating journey incomplete if they do not visit London, England. Until the first half of the 20th century, till the two World Wars, London was the seat of global power, and was the seat of the mighty British Empire; where the sun never set. London still remains the seat of, her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, at the Buckingham Palace. But the British Empire had almost lost all of its world wide colonies after the two world wars, and has shrunk to the extent of the small island, called The Great Britain. Northern Ireland and a few small islands in the oceans, put together with Great Britain is called the United Kingdom or just UK. Shrinking of the huge worldwide empire to a conglomeration of a few scattered islands, surprisingly still remains one of the most powerful countries of the world, both in the field of geo-political power and also the financial-economic structure of today's world. London can easily be dubbed as the financial capital of the world, with New York being its closest competitor.
Keeping the political and financial aspects aside, one should always remember that this city is very old and has witnessed many dramatic incidents of the past. Hence, there are lots of places in London which have a great deal of historical heritage; moreover, they have a huge collection of historical artifacts and manuscripts, most of which are ancient relics and are priceless; in their museums. For the younger crowd who might not be interested in visiting such places, as it might get boring after a while. London does not disappoint any one, so for the party hoppers there are hundreds of nightclubs and discotheques all over the city and the innumerable London hotels worth a mention too. This inh turn makes the nightlife of the city also one of the best in the world.
The hotels in London are a type of their own. Although the services provided by these places are decent enough, but due to the onslaught of millions of tourists every day the budget hotels or the hotels of mid-range serve their tourists quite morosely and seem to be almost mechanical.
As the tourists and traveling businessmen keep coming in tsunami waves, the hotels in London have become complacent and don't offer all the amenities properly and efficiently, moreover they also neglect their maintenance and overall atmosphere; and their attitude is also not very friendly with the customers. These hotels in London can afford such behavior because they know that the demand for hotels will always be greater than the availability of London hotels, hence turning the industry into a 'seller friendly' market, where the hotel proprietor can charge anything, while offering minimum amenities. So, before checking into a hotel in London one should be cautious about a few things.
What are the things that you must have in your hotel room?
All the hotels in London have a telephone set in the room, heating facilities, an electronic flask to boil water if someone wants to have some tea or coffee on his own and of course, even if it's small, there should be a toilet where you can take a shower. Some of these hotels in London, if you are fortunate enough, can also have a bathtub, and air conditioning.
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