subject: Travelling in the trains [print this page] Travelling in the trains Travelling in the trains
Travelling in the trains
The local trains always fascinated me right from the time when I was small. I always wanted to travel to college all on my own in a train. I was well aware about how crowed the trains get and how tired I would be. However, that did not lower my enthusiasm. I was excited by the fact that finally I would be travelling alone.
I was happy in the initial stages, but as time passed by, I began to feel the pinch. The crowd in the trains would make me feel so suffocated that I felt like someone was choking me. Being thin and a person who has low pressure 24*7, I had no stamina to push the people and enter. In fact, in case of a crowd, I did not have to put in much effort. I would just be dragged with the crowd. To be more precise, I would just go with the flow.
Looking at my poor state, the people would offer me the fourth seat, though only three can sit, as they believed that I had a rally tiny ass that would fit anywhere. I just hate train fights. I try not getting involved in train fights. It is just that the women love fighting, and I totally detest that. Standing at the door when it's very windy almost makes my feet loose gravity. Feels like I will fly away.
However, the act of eve teasing is passed, some aimless monkeys who keep hanging to the pole in the door, don't forget to tease the girl. I have been the victim so many times. I even got a slap on my cheeksince then I see to it that I keep a safe distance from the running train. I have learnt that things are not easy to achieve in this world. Whatever happens, I have to travel in the trains no matter what. And I believe that one day I too will become strong and may be will not go with the flow, but rather push myself in.
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