subject: What Do Disability Lawyers Do? [print this page] What Do Disability Lawyers Do? What Do Disability Lawyers Do?
A social security disability lawyer cannot guarantee that you will be awarded social security disability benefits or SSI payments, but they can guarantee that your case will be properly developed, represented, and heard at the hearing. The majority of social security disability lawyers have several years of claim experience and are knowledgeable of the rules and regulations set by the Social Security Administration.
A person who is denied that goes to a hearing and who does not have legal representation by a social security disability lawyer still has a chance of winning and it occasionally, yet rarely, happens. Your odds of winning a case presented in front of a judge without legal representation is decreased compared to having representation by a social security disability lawyer. Social security disability lawyers do everything they can to ensure your case has a good chance at winning. Without legal representation, you may not be rewarded back pay. When you have a social security disability lawyer, they always try to ensure you are granted back pay for the time you were unable to work, for this is how they are usually paid.
Social security disability lawyers gather medical records, gather detailed statements from your physicians, and apply thorough knowledge of rules, regulations and requirements set by the Social Security Administration. An attorney usually receives 25% of your back pay, up to a $5300 maximum. Social security disability benefit attorneys will often receive their fee amount from the Social Security Administration in advance before your disbursements are made and mailed out or directly deposited to you. Your lawyer must send documents of all paper work to The Social Security Administration and send you copies of everything that is sent to them. The purpose for sending this paperwork is to ensure you that no deadlines will be missed which can relieve you of some worries. Your lawyer will also give you advice and counseling for you to learn how you may possibly have a better chance of winning your case.
Your social security disability lawyer should fill you in on the full process regarding how he or she plans on prosecuting your case, which allows you to properly plan ahead for your hearing. Most social security disability lawyers will not take your case unless you have already previously applied and you have been denied already. Most lawyers will also do all of the paperwork for you while others may possibly send you the paperwork to fill out yourself and have you return it to them via postal services.
Your social security disability benefit lawyer may possibly fill out your forms online and set up an appointment for you to go to a disability interview with the Social Security Administration, which can save you plenty of time compared to if you were to do all this work by yourself. You shouldn't have to worry about filing your appeals because your social security disability lawyer should be handling all of the 'dirty work' for you.
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