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subject: Tips on How to Flirt With Women - 3 Ways to Brighten Her Day and Make Her Want You [print this page]

Tips on How to Flirt With Women - 3 Ways to Brighten Her Day and Make Her Want You

Do you want to be the kind of guy who can just start flirting with a woman and know that you are not just brightening up her day, but you are also making her feel as if she wants You? The tips on how to flirt with women that most men learn are more the kind that can build some kind of rapport, which is a good thing, but they are usually not the kind that will also make a woman want you. And isn't that what you REALLY want to be able to do? To make a woman want to date you?

Here are 3 tips that will help you when flirting with a woman to not just make her day a little brighter, but also make her want You:

1. Do not come too close at first when you are talking to her.

Ever see a guy overcrowd a woman and make her feel really uncomfortable and he just does not seem to realize this? It's kind of a painful thing to have to see and it's just as bad if not worse for the woman he is flirting with. When you first approach a woman or start a conversation with her, don't get so close that you are overcrowding her and making her feel uncomfortable.

2. Use your eyes and your body language together to make her feel a subconscious attraction towards you.

Most people ignore the fact that most communication between any 2 people is less about the actual words that you use and more about their body language, their eyes, and their tone of voice. You want to pay attention to this and use it to your advantage so that you are creating a feeling of attraction with her on a subconscious level. When you do this, then you don't have to work so hard at trying to make her want you and flirt back with you.

3. Making her feel some sexual tension is the key to making her feel like she wants to date you.

Don't rush into trying to make her feel sexual tension with you, but don't avoid it either. Just let things escalate naturally to that point. Most of the time when a guy is flirting with a woman and it ends up going nowhere, it's all due to the fact that there was little to no sexual tension. Make her feel that sexual tension and getting a date or a phone number will be almost too easy for You.

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