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subject: Safe Ways To Get Rid Of Skin Tags [print this page]

A skin tag is a common but harmless skin growth, which is frequently found on the eyelids, neck, chest, armpits and groin. The skin tags are not cancerous and painful. But still people desperately want to get rid of the skin tags, as the skin tags can create a lot of embarrassment for people. The skin tags can create a feeling of aversion in us. If you have skin tags, you may also want to get rid of them. What follows are some ways to get rid of the skin tags in an effective as well as safe way.

One of the popular ways to cure skin tags is surgery. You can also go to a physician for your skin tags surgery. The skin tags are cured by the dermatologist. So, look for a dermatologist in your area for the treatment of your skin tags. The dermatologist will remove the skin tags by cutting them off with a sharp instrument, freezing them off, burning or by electrolysis. It will cost you about $200.00 to get rid of a skin tag. Meeting a dermatologist is a good idea, because the doctor will check your problem to be sure if the skin growths you see are just skin tags.

But apart from this you can try some home remedies which are no less effective to remove the skin tags. The following are some of the home remedies for removing skin tags.

Cut your Skin Tags off

If you are sure that you have skin tags, you can cut them off. Take a pair of disinfected scissors or disinfected nail clippers and simply snip off the skin tag at its base. This is the method which most of the dermatologists also follow. But the process involves pain and some bleeding will occur. So, it is not the right method, if you are faint hearted.

Use baking powder and castor oil

If you would like to apply the painless method, you can use baking powder and castor oil. Just mix these two ingredients together until they form a paste. Now you need to apply this pasty substance three times a day onto your skin tags. It will dry up your skin tags and they should fall off within a week.

Stop the Blood Circulation

Take a surgical thread, sewing thread, fishing line, or even dental floss and then tie off the skin tags with the thread. Tighten it as per as possible. If you do so, it will stop the blood circulation to your skin tags. As a result, your skin tags will fall off within a week. But before using this method, be sure that the area you tie off stays clean in order to lower the chance of an infection occurring.

Use natural herbal extracts

Removing skin tags using the natural herbal extracts is becoming more popular day by day. You can also try natural herbal extracts to dissolve or burn away your skin tags. The extract made of plants is safe as well as effective to easily remove any skin tags.

These are the effective, as well as safe ways, to get rid of skin tags. If you are serious about trying to get rid of skin tags, apply any of the above-mentioned methods to remove your skin tags.

by: Donald

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