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Don't Quit Before Payday!!!
Don't Quit Before Payday!!!

Who Do You Want To Be in Your Network Marketing Business?

Work towards getting what you want!

Why do we sometimes have difficulty expressing or living out what it is we want? We come into this world knowing exactly what we want. We cry when we are hungry or sleepy or need our diaper changed. We know what we want and we get what we want, but are very quickly trained to accept what others want for us instead. Over time to one degree or another, we start believing that what someone else may want for us is actually what we want. There is a comical example of this idea in the movie, Runaway Bride. In the movie, Julia Roberts' character has been engaged several times and then, leaves the groomsmen in the front of the aisle and makes a quick dash towards the church door. Towards the end of the movie, the viewer realizes that one of the big problems Julia's character has is that she has no idea what she wants. When making decisions with her possible future mate's, she allowed them to make all the decisions. Through her constant compromise, she lost who she was. Many people risk losing who they are by not doing what they really want.

Be clear about your preferences!

The first step in knowing what you want is being clear about your preferences. People will sometimes say when choosing where to eat with a friend that it doesn't matter where they go. Some people may even say when on a date, whatever the other person orders in fine. This is not a healthy approach to have in our relationships and is most definitely not the approach to have in our business. Start asking yourself if it did matter, what would you want. An activity to do to help combat this mindset of mediocrity is to make a list of 30 things you want to be, 30 things you want to have, and 30 things you want to do before you die. After making this list, you will have 90 items of things you care about.

This process will also help you to realize where you are right now and where you want to be. These are the questions you need to acknowledge when evaluating what you want for your personal and professional life and in order to be successful in your evaluation you need to take a look at where you are out of balance. There are 7 areas of your life that you should be trying to find balance in. Observe the following:

1. Relationships (marriage, family, business, etc.)

2. Health and Fitness

3. Recreation and Free Time

4. Work and Career

5. Personal Goals

6. Finance

7. Contribution to the larger community

In order for our vision of what we want to be successful, we need to include all areas to find balance in. Knowing where you are in all of these areas and which areas you need to work on is the first step in becoming who you want to be and bringing to fruition what it is that you really want!

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