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Evriholder EasiTwist Jar Opener, Assorted Colors Review

Product Description

This patented jar opener is designed to fit virtually any size lid or cap. The easy to grip handle accommodates large and small hands and creates leverage that makes opening any lid a breeze. Simply select the appropriate opening size, grip firmly and twist. The soft rubber gasket creates a firm grip every time. Great for children, elderly and arthritis sufferers.

Product Details

Color: Blue

Brand: Evriholder


Number of items: 1

Dimensions: 10.50" h x 4.40" w x .90" l, 1.00 pounds


Fits any size lid or cap

Easy grip handle

Great for children, elderly and arthritis sufferers

Makes opening any lid a breeze

Handwash recommended

You can buy Evriholder EasiTwist Jar Opener, Assorted Colors by Evriholder in best price at Cast Iron Skillets Store

Customer Reviews

Best manual opener there is but price outrageous.

I have bought many manual jar openers. This is the only one that really works. No slipping, adjusting, straining, etc.

So good I bought 3 for family members.

But $10 ish??? You can get them at Walmart in the $3+ range. But very hard to find now - sorry I didnt buy more!

Going to buy a handful next time I see them at that price.

Note I said manual - the electric Black & Decker lids off is better for very stubborn medium to largish factory sealed jars like salsa. This is a handy gizmo for quick opening of small things like baby food jars and things that just got too tight in the frig etc. This is much faster to use than the electric so I enjoy having both avail in my kitchen.


This actually works great... I have used it twice already on different size jars with no problem. Sometimes I wonder if this stuff works but yes this one does.. Its a great product.

Works like a charm!

I bought the jar opener because I couln't open the large covers on my humidifier tanks. Now they are easy to open with the Easi-Twist

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