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subject: Psalms of David: Parent of monotheistic religions [print this page]

Psalms of David: Parent of monotheistic religions

Psalms of David: Parent of monotheistic religions

Psalms of Davidare the parents of all the three monotheistic religions. It is the forefather of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is the sources and backboneof the Torah, the Law, the Gospel and the Qur'an.

It is among the first written revelations sent to mankind. It is prescribes exactly the same concepts and ideas. The same prescriptions and the same commandments revealed in the three divine religions. It deals with man's foremost and essential purpose of existence. It tells us about the structure of the human self. It informs us about good and evil. It informs us about the freedom of will and freedom of choice every human being has. It informs us about the path of evil and path of good. It informs us precisely about the consequences of those who take the path of evil and of those take the path of good.

It informs us manifestly and succinctly about the destiny of the wicked and the destiny of those who are good. It tells us the nature of sin and who are the sinners. It tells us about the nature of what is good and those who are good and perform good actions.

It tells us about the finality of those who do evil and those who do good. It draws out a precise finality for the wicked and for the good. It tells us about a day of judgment. It informs us about the final judgment where every human being shall have to account for his. Or her, own deeds. It prescribes the first and final

Objective of mankind. It informs us about the definite end of humans, namely a day of judgment.

It informs us about destiny of those who are sinners and are wicked. It informs us about the destiny of those who are good. It draws a precise comparative distinction between the wicked and the good. It predicts the destiny prescribed for those who are sinners and those who do good.

It creates a principle and only two-fold classification of mankind. No third classification exists. Only two categories of humans there are: the evil and the good.

It tells us about the nature and form of what consequences these two categories of persons shall endure and shall suffer. It advances the ideas of punishment' and destruction' for those who are wicked and sinners. It advances the idea of the reward of those who shun the wicked and do not sin, describing them as being godly'. The godly are those who obey God and His law. They are those who keep God in constant remembrance and abide by His Law.

It tells us about God. It tells us about the one and only God. It tells about God who is the surveyor of all humans. He is the absolute controller of their destiny. He is the one who ordains their finality. It informs us about God who observes human actions and then administer His will in terms of reward or punishment. The Psalms informs us about the nature and form of the life of those who are good and those who are wicked. The former who are good are joyful and full of hope and happiness ( prospering fruits)and the latter, those who are wicked and sinners, are unhappy and are the outcast of humanity (the Chaff)

The Psalms announces to us about the primordially of:

A. Acknowledging the Lord, God: One and Only God (Monotheism)

B. Believing in Him.

C. Believing in His Law.

D. Keeping God constantly in remembrance.

E. Keeping God and His law in constant remembrance.

F. Abiding constantly by God's Law and no other thing: absolute and firm obedience.

H. Humans must take heed ,for God watches over all humans and sees their good and evil actions.

I. Taking heed against the Day of Judgment with its finality of reward and punishment.

The First Book of the Psalms of David, revealed unto David about three thousands of years ago, about 1000 Before Our Era, informs of us of all these early and primordial concepts that are the foundations and cornerstones of the three monotheistic religions in the world today, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

In Book One of the Psalms we are told:

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners or join with scoffers. But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants; day and night they think about his law.

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do they prosper.'

But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly.'

For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.'

Psalms of David, Book One: 1- 6

These divine verses represent the principle thesis of all three Scriptures of the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an, in a succinct, precise, manifest and concentrated description and prescription identifying and definingthe finality of all humans.

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