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SEO Tool for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Search Marketers

SEO Tool for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Search Marketers

If you are a DIY Search Marketer, you probably have the following characteristic:

Have a small site

Have a few keywords you want to optimize for

Have some knowledge of the factors important in search engine ranking algorithm

SEO optimization is a part time work/hobby and not a full time job

SEO consists of three major parts Analysis, Management and Reporting. Most DIY Marketers may find monthly subscription from paid tools for management and reporting too expensive and an overkill to manage small SEO programs. What a DIY SEO marketers values most is a good SEO analysis tool that gives him recommendations to improve his search rank. He can then manage his project using Excel.

For Analysis most DIY guys use free SEO tools. One problem with these tools is that they are unreliable and may stop working anytime. But, a bigger problem with them is that there is too much noise in their output which has to be removed manually by the user. For example if you are looking at link building leads and want to duplicate the link building strategy of a top ranking url, then these tools will give you a long list of URLs. Since link building is a time consuming process, you may first want to find out the best leads to build link from. This manual sieving of data is time consuming.

Even the free on-page analysis is flawed since most of these tools are not sophisticated enough to handle CSS (formatting) information. This misguides the user and following their recommendation generally leaves the page in a bad taste for the actual visitor of the site.

SEO Assist from TailCurrent is one solution that fills this gap and is a sophisticated SEO tool for quick SEO analysis to be used by DIY SEO Marketers. For any keyword it gives 50 best SEO actions you need to take to improve your search rank. The recommendations are intuitive and are easy to understand and action. With SEO Assist you get both On-page and Off-page recommendations. It also benchmarks your SEO performance with the top ranking URLs so that you get an idea of how much effort is required to get to the top.

Go give SEO Assist a spin with the Free Trial option.

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