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Foreign Skills for International Lawyers

Foreign Skills for International Lawyers
Foreign Skills for International Lawyers

The choice of a particular lawyer can be as varied as your choice for a particular restaurant, be it an Italian, Chinese or Indian restaurant. From business contracts to civil disputes, the skills of lawyers are often called upon for a number of different reasons not least to help find a potential solution.

Lawyers are qualified and licensed to practice law, some are highly specialised, offering their expertise in a particular area of law. From employment law to family law, immigration law to business law, there are no shortages of fields that lawyers are not able to advise on. With a number of migrant communities, especially from emerging markets living in the UK in large cities including London, Manchester and Birmingham, the need for skilled practitioners with additional language skills can be important.

Turkey is often described as a bridge between Europe and the Middle East with trade an important aspect of the region. Turkey's position as an emerging market was highlighted by drinks manufacturer Diageo's purchase of Turkish spirit maker 'Mey Icki' for over 1bn in February 2011. Although this was an investment in Turkey, Diageo and other foreign drinks importers have been locked in a dispute with the Turkish government over the amount of customs tax paid on imported spirits between 2001 and 2009. Whether the requirements for Turkish lawyers are for business advice in the case of an investment or the need to provide assistance to the estimated 80,000 people from Turkey in Britain, 130,000 Turk-Cypriots and Kurdish community, the top Turkish lawyers will provide the relevant language and legal skills.

The Nigerian community in the UK is made up of economically active and professional individuals, with a number between 100,000 and 160,000 British Nigerians representing the community since 2009. Indeed Nigeria is considered the second largest economy in Africa with developing financial and legal centres and its success as a major oil producer has seen the country become the 8th largest exporter of the commodity in the world. For all the success in this field, Nigeria had to overcome many politically and economically sensitive situations, some of which have included bribery cases in the Nigerian oil industry. From working with members of the community in the UK to working in the developing oil industry, Nigerian lawyers are highly specialised professionals.

Of all the emerging economies in the world, none has made an impact on the world stage as impressive as that of the Chinese economy. China has successfully transformed itself from a closed market to a free market economy, though a number of challenges still remain, not least the position of foreign investment in Chinese companies. Chinese lawyers can therefore play a hugely important role in advising on business issues as diverse as investments to contract negotiations between a Chinese supplier and a buyer.

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