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The Medifast Meal Replacment Diet: What Type Of Diet Is It?

The Medifast Meal Replacment Diet: What Type Of Diet Is It?

I was recently asked this question. The person asking was trying to understand how the Medifast diet works and what type of lifestyle she could expect on it. So, in the following article, I'm going to tell you why I think that Medifast falls into several different categories. It actually, at least in my opinion, is based on the best and most effective concepts of many different diets.

At It's Core, Medifast Is A Meal Replacement Diet, But That Doesn't Tell The Whole Story: First of all, for the most part, this is a meal replacement diet. What that means is that they provide most of the food that you will eat. You then "replace" your typical meals with the diet meals. But you won't be replacing each and every meal. Basically, they want for you to eat five of the Medifast meals each day and then to eat one "lean and green" meal that you provide which is not replaced.

So yes, you'll be eating several small meals. And this keeps you from having to plan, cook, count calories, or tally points. This is quite helpful and freeing because all you really have to worry about is your lean and green meal (which is really only lean protein and three servings of vegetables.) So, you will have time for working out if you chose to or for pursuing other things that are important to you.

In terms of ease of use, this diet is pretty easy. They do a lot of the leg work for you. You'll be doing much less grocery shopping (at least for yourself) and meal planning.

Medifast Meals Contain A Low Amount Of Calories And Carbs And A High Amount Of Protein: A lot of people assume that Medifast is your straight low calorie diet. They basically assume that the diet works and you lose weight as you take in the smaller frequent meals and therefore save yourself a lot of calories each day. This assumption is partly true, but again this is only part of the story.

In addition to taking in less calories, you're also taking in less carbs. The meals are designed to not only be low in calories, but also low in sugars and carbs. More, they are very high in protein. So not only does this diet work by the "less calories in, more calories out" theory, it also puts an emphasis on getting your body to burn fat rather than carbs.

In scientific terms, this is called ketosis, but what it means is that you're both taking in less calories and hopefully losing weight while also training your body to burn it's own fat. The whole idea is that this creates the perfect storm for the swift loss of both fat and weight. And the hope is that you see both differences on the scale and in the shape and composition of your body.

Medifast And Changing Your Lifestyle: Finally, I want to briefly mention that the company offers free counseling. This, with the addition of your learning how to prepare your "lean and green" meal and with turning your attention to other things sets you up to gradually and eventually change your lifestyle when you are ready to move into the maintenance phase of the diet.

This is gradual, which I think is a good thing. You don't want to be overwhelmed and have too much to think about. Basically, you gradually begin to think about food not quite as much. Since most of your meals are provided and you're only worrying making "safe" foods once per day, you basically wake up one day and realize that your attitude about food and weight has changed for the better.

Lindsey Price is the author of the free ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast," which includes coupons and discounts, a list of all of the food options, detailed information about the diet and how it works, it's pros and cons, having success on it, and recipes for it. To get a free copy (immediate download/no information required), click here. You can also visit her diet review website at

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