subject: Should I Give Medifast A Try? Would I Like It Or Be Happy With It? [print this page] Should I Give Medifast A Try? Would I Like It Or Be Happy With It?
I recently received an email from someone who asked me, in part: "do you think I should try Medifast? I'm intrigued with some of the results I've seen from this diet but I've tried low carb diets in the past and I didn't like them. Do you think medifast will be different and worth my trying? Would I like it and be happy with my results?" I had similar questions when I started out. I'd tried many diets with mixed results prior to going on this one. And, I approached the process with doubt and reluctance. But ultimately, I'm glad that I went out on a limb and tried one more thing.
In the following article, I'll try to offer some insights on what this diet is like (and who I believe it works best for) in the hopes that this information will help you to answer this question for yourself.
Medifast Is A Low Carb / High Protein Diet, But It Often Doesn't Feel Like One: Yes, this diet functions somewhat like Atkins and other diets of this type in that the foods are comparatively low in carbs, calories, and sugars and high in protein and fiber. This careful combination is good in that it helps your body to begin burning fat rather than carbs. It can be bad though when you're having to eat meats and fats all of the time. This can get very old.
One of the reasons that this diet is different than some of the others (and I think that this to it's benefit) is that you get to eat a more larger balance of foods than only the meat, dairy and fat choices that you're often limited to on some other plans. There's oatmeal, pudding, shakes, bars, etc, in a variety of sweet flavors. Yes, these foods have been modified so that the sugars are low, but they still taste sweet and they're better than eating eggs and cottage cheese all of the time. Basically, you won't feel like you're on a low carbohydrate diet, even though you technically are.
You Don't Need To Count Or Tally Anything (And For Most People, This Is A Good Thing.) The fact that you didn't need to keep careful track and then tally up everything that you put in your mouth really appealed to me. If you're the type of person who enjoys carrying a food journal around and then tallying up everything at the end of the day, Medifast may not be for you.
This is a pretty easy to follow diet because, for the most part, you're going to only be choosing amongst the foods that they give you and deciding when you're going to chose what. There isn't a whole lot of decision making involved for the most part. The only exception to this is when you plan and chose your "lean and green meal" that you make for yourself. This is once each day. Most people chose dinner time for their lean and green, but that's not a requirement. And, this meal is really just a serving of protein and three veggies. You can get this from soups, one pot meals, salads, stir fries, or your typical meat with veggies on the side type of meals.
This diet might make feel like you're holding back if you're the type of person who loves to cook and grocery shop. But for people who would rather someone else do most of the work (like me,) this can be a big convenience and can be considered a positive rather than a negative.
My experience with this diet has been a good one. I'm certainly glad I gave it a try. Sure, eating six times per day takes some getting used to at first. But this does help to keep hunger at bay and it keeps your metabolism humming so the fat burning is where it needs to be. The results are worth my efforts and as much as I resisted the lean and green at first, I have to admit that it helps with variety and it helps to teach you how to prepare healthy meals (which is a skill you'll need to learn once you've reached your goal and want to transition to maintenance.) Long term weight loss is usually much more possible with a life style change. And for me, Medifast has provided this in a relatively painless way.
Lindsey Price is the author of the free ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast," which includes coupons and discounts, a list of all of the food options, detailed information about the diet and how it works, it's pros and cons, having success on it, and recipes for it. To get a free copy (immediate download/no information required), click here. You can also visit her diet review website at
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