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subject: Huntsville Fat Loss with Zeltiq Video 8 [print this page]

Huntsville Fat Loss with Zeltiq Video 8

Huntsville Fat Loss with Zeltiq Video 8
Huntsville Fat Loss with Zeltiq Video 8

Spring is the time we start thinking about warmer weather, vacations, and the great outdoors. All of these things mean one thing.showing off our awesome skin, body, and legs!

Dr. DeGraaffs Top Ten Things to get ready for Spring!

1. Chemical Peels Start off with a fresh, glowing start to spring with a chemical peel.

2. Micro-Dermabrasion Smooth silky skin radiates and looks fresh and new.

3. Sunscreen A must have to keep our skin healthy and beautiful. We have several skin care lines which include SPF for keeping those damaging rays away.

4. Mineral Make-Up After the skin care regimen we use, protect it even further with our GloMinerals line of mineral make-up. Its healthier, lighter and leaves you radiant.

5. Clarisonic Brushes not only does it help remove your make-up, it also has been proven to clean better and give your skin a smoother texture and feel.

6. Laser Hair Removal Now is the time to get stop shaving! Have smooth legs, bikini line, and underarms for the lake and beach this year. And guys, we can take care of your back, chest, or whatever area you would like. Your significant other will love it!

7. Sclerotherapy Do you have spider veins that bother you, or are you embarrassed to wear shorts? Sclerotherapy can clear those up and have you ready to hit the beach.

8. Weight Loss The holidays are over, and some of us have gained an extra pound or two. If you need help getting back on track, we can help you with one of our medically supervised weight loss plans.

9. Zeltiq Whats cooler than getting rid of that extra tummy bulge or love handles? Coolsculpting with Zeltiq! Let us help you get rid of those stubborn love handles or tummy bulges with Zeltiq. Well freeze the fat away, and have you ready for a cool summer.

10. Botox Botox is the perfect way to top off our Top Ten for Spring. Look refreshed with Botox around the eyes to keep your whole look glowing and fresh!

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