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Sacred Heart Diet - The Secret You Must Know

Sacred Heart Diet - The Secret You Must Know

Sacred Heart diet is one of a diet method by following the 7 days schedule of having the diet food plan. From this 7 days diet, people could lose weight in a rapid time. Just in the first week, people could lose about 10 - 17 pounds. Most of the weight will be the water weight and could gained back very soon if you back to the old eating habit.

Some people are not recommend this diet for a long-term result. People who take on this diet, is who have any important big event in the following week. So by quickly losing some pounds in a week, they could come into the event next week confidently with their appealing appearance.

Here's the Sacred Heart diet eating plan:

1st day

Eat any fruits and soups only, do not eat banana.

2nd day

Eat vegetables, you could try eat cooked, canned, or fresh raw veggies until you full. Do not eat corn, peas, or dry beans. You could also eat vegetables with soups. For dinner time, you could eat baked potato with butter. No fruits on this day.

3rd day

In third day you can eat any fruits, vegetables and soups. No baked potato on this day.

4th day

Eat bananas and drink skim milk, 3 bananas minimum and drink milk until you full along with the soups.

5th day

Eat beef & tomatoes, for the beef you can eat 10 to 20 ounces of it. Eat canned tomatoes, or likely 6 tomatoes for this day. Eat soup at least once for this day.

6th day

Eat beefs & vegetables, for the beef and veggies you can eat as you desire, It's ok to have 2 or 3 steaks. No baked potato. Eat soup at least once for this day.

7th day

Eat vegetables, brown rice (you could put cooked veggies with the rice), unsweetened fruit juice and don't forget the soup.

Now you're done, this is Sacred Heart diet all about. By simply following these 7 days eating plan, you might lose 10 pounds or more. You can back to the regular healthy diet for a few weeks before you decided to try this diet method again.

The sacred heart diet plan above is up to you to follow. But if you want to setting up a perfect diet plan for your long-term lose weight result, I strongly recommend you the following site. They have many secret invaluable information about setting up the perfect diet plan that's gonna blast your weight and keep it fit for a long term. you must check out the site, take care.

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