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Group Buy Montreal
Group Buy Montreal

In recent times, Group buying has emerged as a major player in online shopping business. After 2009, it has been launched online in numerous forms. When cities like Montreal get highly involved in this business, this was always expected.

Montreal is the second largest economy in Canada, based onGDP. It is an important centre of commerce, finance, industry, technology, culture, world affairs and so on. Even the service is also very strong and includescivil,mechanical ,process engineering,finance and research and development .For these types of cities group buy sites have proven to have many advantages for both the consumer and vendor,

But one might also consider, as consumers embrace this trend and vendors become more and more reliant on them, it is reasonable to predict that daily group buying could permanently change consumer spending habits. So much so that it will become difficult for vendors to raise prices back to their 'regular price', while maintaining revenues.

Montreal is a hub of various industries which include aerospace,electronicgoods, pharmaceuticals, printed goods,software engineering,telecommunications, textile and apparel, manufacturing,tobacco and transportation and so on, thereby raising cut throat competition.

In the long term the major problem with group buy vendors of Montreal today would be that there are and will be too many alternatives/competitors to these vendors, making loyalty almost non-existent as consumers have lots of options.

In the end, it may be that consumers win by low cost and spending less time, while the vendors suffer.

Another major problem of this group buy business in Montreal is , this city is developing in all sectors and the group buy business is taking roots in all these sectors, without proper authentication .This also reduces the trust of customers.

So Group buy companies in Montreal need to take some measures to sustain in the competitive market. Some of the following could be considered:

1. They need to maintain transparency of product information. Every advertisement needs to include detailed proof of identity, address, office address, type of service and other information.

2. Group buy sites should provide network supervision to ensure the participation of qualified vendors, monitor product quality and after-sale service, payment settlement and other various " behind the scenes" within the gray areas.

In these ways (and some more) they can retain customer loyalty thereby generating more revenues.

This creates a win-win for both the vendor and the consumer.

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